What are your thoughts now that the Mueller investigation has been exposed as an anti-trump fisa scandal?

2019-01-18 8:22 am
Our country is being led to believe that Trump is in cahoots with Russia. I am interested in hearing what people think now that the Mueller investigation has been exposed as an anti-trump fisa scandal.


回答 (12)

2019-01-18 8:27 am
What you read in the National Enquirer or see of Fox News is not real. Sorry to burst your bubble. The real news is that Mueller's investigation has followed the highest order of objective truth seeking, and that Trump's fat rear end is very close to being proven to be criminal.
2019-01-18 8:23 am
"By John Solomon
Opinion Contributor"

Take that for what it's worth. I certainly will.
2019-01-18 8:23 am
Mueller is doing a great job with all of the guilty pleas he has gotten so far....
2019-01-18 8:30 am
There is nothing in your linked story that exposes the Mueller investigation as anti-Trump/FISA scandal. It's some guy's opinion from unnamed sources. It's super weak..
2019-01-18 8:24 am
I think trump is guilty as all hell .
2019-01-18 8:26 am
Always knew it was .

There was an article last year that described how the " Russian Collusion " story was fabricated in 2014 before anyone even knew Trump would run , with the intent it be used against anyone that challenged Hillary .
2019-01-20 4:46 am
he not finihsed with the report DUMA RSE hah ahahah
2019-01-18 8:26 am
You crack addicts still upset over this old fisa thing? The report turned out to be completely true and manafort has admitted to collusion.
2019-01-18 8:26 am
Nothing has been exposed, and you are brainwashed. Either bring facts to the discussion or butt out.
2019-01-18 8:24 am
I just fingered he was waiting for that cushy government retirement ..............................
2019-01-18 8:24 am
I'm a Mitt Romney supporter
2019-01-18 10:28 am
Finally, good news.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:33:04
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