What are the charges I can get if I was filed a criminal complaint?

2019-01-18 6:08 am
This is what it says,
"Using another's information for unlawful purpose"
"You are required to appear at the Pasadena Superior Court to answer the charges, to determine which court room your case will be heart".

Will I go to jail?, is there an option to pay the charges only?.
It was never my intention to use someones information for unlawful purpose, i wrote a letter to the explaining what happened.

回答 (1)

2019-01-18 8:40 am
"Using another's information for unlawful purpose"

Those ARE the charges.
NO, you can't 'pay the charges. You MAY be sentenced to a fine, but that is an entirely different concept.

i wrote a letter
SHRED the letter. It won't even be read by the court.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:13:20
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