(國貿小新手) 如果使用商業英文回應客戶說 我們產品有demo kit? 歡迎參考...的句子?

2019-01-17 2:10 pm

回答 (4)

2019-01-18 9:21 am
Demo kit is available for your reference.
2019-01-18 2:52 am
--In reply to your Co.document received this morning, FTUSA, our Co. are happy to inform you that our representatives will be calling at your TW office, as requested, on Dec.31,at 9:00am to show how our product have demo kit,(to show how it works), (to show the new technic and how it is used),(to show how the public organised display by our salesmen as on Dec 15) by demonstration.You are welcome that the remarks refers to our business.Thanks in advance !
---------------------Yours truly,
---------------------------(Managing Director)(.....)
2019-01-18 11:32 am
demo kit是英文人明白的,間單寫
Demo kit is available

We have demo kit.
?你們會送出demo kit給對方(假如對方要) = We will send you a demo kit upon request. [你只要開口要,我們自動送出]
?你們的demo kit是在你們公司/工廠裏的,客戶可以來試用 = We have demo kit available to testing in our office/company/factory.
?你們的demo kit可以為讓每個客戶認購一套 = Demo kit can be order for $$XXX per customer.
2019-01-18 6:20 am
We are now doing function of using our goods as demonstrating purposes in the Pacific Mall and any customers interested please do come that show. Thank you. Yip

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