iPhone or Android?

2019-01-17 7:33 am

回答 (17)

2019-01-17 12:03 pm
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iPhone for sure. Too many issues with Android phones, such as not getting updates until weeks or months later, while with iPhone you get updates almost immediately. Apple develops both the phone and the operating system. With Android phones, the phone comes from one company and the operating system (Android) comes from another company (Google) -- not good.
2019-01-19 11:29 am
2019-01-18 8:32 pm
iPhone are fast and reliable but on the expensive side
2019-01-17 7:57 am
i use iPhone because it feels clean and more simple all together. It has amazing antivirus too. I don’t run into adds or unexpected problems because of viruses or clutter. I enjoy the set up as well. It’s very easy to get started and the overall design is very smooth and nice to hold and use. I also hear good things about Androids though so I’m unsure but I know with an iPhone that I’m getting something that I will enjoy holding and using.
2019-01-21 10:48 pm
iPhone, you can update your ios lifetime
2019-01-19 9:38 am
I heard Apple was getting a master chip from Samsung. They felt it was too expensive and the new chips are running slower. Might consider checking that out for yourself.
2019-01-17 6:58 pm
I use I phone since 2010
2019-01-17 8:02 am
2019-01-17 7:51 am
2019-01-21 6:55 am
Android. More versatility. better value.
2019-01-17 7:12 pm
So far, I only have Android in my phone and do not want to change it for IPhone.
2019-01-17 7:34 am
2019-01-17 7:34 am
I have an Android
2019-01-18 1:36 am
Android but not under the brand Samsung.
2019-01-18 7:19 am
If you like a stupid OS, get an android. If you like nagging pop up windows that come in herds to prevent you from dialing 911 till you respond to all of them, get an apple.
2019-01-21 7:06 pm
I prefer both
Android is an open source
And iphone is more secure
2019-01-19 10:15 am
I like both but I just prefer iPhone because its easier to use for me. Android is better in the way it has a spot for an SD card.
2019-01-17 7:41 am

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