what do you think makes someone genuinely funny? is it an inborn talent, or........?

2019-01-15 1:30 pm

回答 (7)

2021-03-29 4:28 am
I’ll be honest with you, As a comedian, I will tell you, it is comedy and tragedy that makes the comedian. That is why the artistic link is always shown together.
2019-08-26 9:02 am
LOL, now that's funny:)
2021-03-31 4:57 am
There you go, with your "always" observations that are universally untrue. Ho hum.
2019-10-11 1:47 am
I guess they don’t take life seriously....have a good sense of humor, make jokes about anything, it could be an inborn talent but they could come from a funny family.
2019-01-15 4:05 pm
Steve Martin, who was I think the most popular stand up comedian of the 1970s, has denied that he ever had talent. I don't know if that's true or not but it's an interesting quote.

When people ask questions like this I mention a book by a very good comedian who was a prolific author and very intelligent - How to Be Funny by Steve Allen, This is something they don't teach in schools. They have Art and Music, but not Comedy. So, who's to say what a good book can do?

They say timing is something you either have or don't have, can't be learned. On the other hand, this doesn't mean much if you're typing.
2020-09-24 3:33 am
trauma 👍
2019-01-15 3:29 pm
Yes its a inborn talent
2019-01-15 1:33 pm
There are many different types of funny. For example, liberals constantly say childish and inane things that make normal people laugh at them. This is quite different from a comedian who is intentionally humorous.

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