請問下面的句子 Remember that the race does not go to the swiftest. go to the swiftest 這種用法是什麼句型? 整句的中文意思是什麼?

2019-01-13 8:25 am

回答 (3)

2019-01-15 10:42 pm
The object of the verb is a that-clause if its object is a depenent clause . The vi is remember;
You remember-----S+ vi
that the race does not go to the swiftest------O--dependent adv.cl. of condition;
2019-01-15 7:25 am
這句子是祈使句,所以省略開頭主詞you以強化語氣,而the swiftest後省略persons ,這用法很普遍,如the poor表窮人,the short表矮個,所以全句為you should remember that the race does not go to the swiftest persons.本句句型:S+Vt+O,中文翻譯:切記本次賽跑並非取跑的最快的選手,go to 此處不是走到何處,而是引領的方向,例如The Nobel prize goes to John. 這獎座是頒給約翰的
2019-01-13 10:30 am
Remember (標題式簡潔寫法 = you should remember/你應該記得(知道)) that the race (=the winner of the race競賽的得勝者) does not go to (並不是跑到==>並不是由…得到) the swiftest(跑得最快的).

Remember that the race…用法是什麼句型?
That 可省略,remember可為及物動詞,後面所接子句為受詞性質

劍橋字典: remember
[ + (that) ] She suddenly remembered (that) her keys were in her other bag.

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