Why are liberals hated more than any other political party?

2019-01-13 5:42 am
The way I see it is every political party is full of nothing but scum so what separates liberals from the others?

回答 (8)

2019-01-13 5:51 am
Liberals are against racism and other forms of conservative hatred
2019-01-13 5:50 am
We speak the truth ..
Meanwhile brainwashed people repeat what they are told by traitors and scumbags.
2019-01-13 5:45 am
Literally every single democrat talking point I see on here comes from cnn and MSNBC and probably the young Turks and the entire mainstream media establishment
2019-01-13 11:55 am
I would guess because you don’t like what liberals are saying. FYI, there is no “liberal party”, if you mean Democrats, well more people voted Democrat in the last 7 elections.
2019-01-13 6:49 am
Which party kill the unborn?
2019-01-13 6:35 am
Because conservatives need boogymen to justify their "opinion".

In the USA, the liberals don't even have their own party
2019-01-13 6:23 am
Because conservatives are more vocal.
2019-01-13 5:42 am

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