how to get the details of a murder with little knowledge?

2019-01-13 5:03 am
now say someone has spoken to the only witness of a murder and has no other details except how it happened and the region of the country how would they go about figuring out the other details? Considering this happened before the age of internet in an area riddled with gang crime and the witness was involved so will give no details and the murder was never solved? Just asking for...a friend

回答 (4)

2019-01-13 7:08 am
Your scenario is IMPOSSIBLE. If your source is the only WITNESS, you already have the BEST source of information that exists.
2019-01-13 6:43 am
The people who do this kind of research usually have to travel to the place involved and sit in front of old microfiche machines to access newspapers from the time. They then search those articles for the names of people they might be able to hunt down and interview. Working on these pre-digital cases is a full time job and major crime writers have to put a lot of effort into gathering their data.
2019-01-13 5:56 am
I think it is dangerous for people with fantasy lives and mental health issues to play detective.

“How long does DNA stay on a persons clothing after they have been bitten on the ***?”; “Should I have sex with a heated radiator?”; “Tips on avoiding a bipolar low?; “i wanted to kill myself last night, and i changed my mind, halfway through a overdose, but was left with a load of pills. temptation. so i popped them out the window, and they bounced off the conservatory roof into next doors graden. is this safe for them???? they dont have dogs or kids. thanks!”

Is this related to the book you are writing? I know I hate it when my friends ask me questions like this one, and they aren't smart enough to ask the question themselves.

Amateurs can't get the details of unsolved murders UNLESS a closed case is reopened and the public is asked to help.
2019-01-13 5:45 am
That is job for law enforcement, not amateur sleuths.

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