What are the pros and cons of abortion?

2019-01-13 3:18 am
I'm trying to see if I support the right for a woman to have access to an abortion or not. What are some pros and cons?

回答 (8)

2019-01-13 4:30 am
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pros- a woman who is unable or unwilling to take care of a child is able to continue her normal life (which could include finishing school, avoiding eviction, or not losing her job), less children in the foster system, less children being abused by unhappy parents or bad foster homes, fetuses donated to stem cell research, women having access to safe doctors who will perform the abortion rather than risking themselves by doing it illegally

cons- i’ve heard of abortions affecting a woman’s fertility, but i don’t know the basis of these claims and it’s ultimately the woman’s decision

at the end of the day, an abortion is the act of removing undeveloped stem cells from a woman’s womb. they haven’t formed a sentient human being yet, and it’s comparable to your finger bleeding from a cut. the cells exit your body, and no human life is lost.
2019-01-13 3:21 am
With a dozen forms of contraception and Plan B now being sold over the counter ,,, there is little excuse to conceive a fetus only to kill it .
2019-01-13 3:22 am
There are no pros- the woman is usually filled with regret and the baby is dead. Every child deserves a shot at life. Liberals say "oh the kid might be poor" but I grew up poor and I'm middle class now.
2019-01-13 7:08 am
Fewer babies born in an already overpopulated (or rather over-consuming part of the) world

Fewer responsibilities for people who - for whatever reason - did not use contraceptives.

More young women getting and finishing an education

Pro of LEGALISED abortion: fewer young women dying in unofficial ones

Cons: they require medical personnel that could be doing other things
2019-01-13 3:56 am
Look, the bottom line is, Women, now have the right to make their own decisions on reproduction. Cons want to take this freedom for women, away. Right now, women have the right to chose what is best for them. Is this a free country, or not?
2019-01-13 3:26 am
Abortion is the killing of an innocent living human being. Should anyone be allowed to do that? What physical change happens that makes it no longer OK to kill a baby? Think about it.
2019-02-17 2:02 am
Cons: A life is lost.

2019-01-13 4:09 am
Not really a right.

It is a privilege granted to women by corrupt "judges". They cant call em that because of the wording of the 14th amendment.

The pro is each state can decide the issue. Federal government has no jurisdiction to weigh in one way or the other.

10th amendment

Con is if you can be convinced that abortion is common and acceptable, then nothing stops government from creating a fony "crisis" (population or such) and moving the needle further, like in China.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:28:32
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