The ass and the grasshopper 的英文解釋?

2019-01-12 12:43 pm
Toming 88幫忙解釋 謝謝

An Ass having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, “The dew.” The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger.

an sad having heard some grasshoppers chirping,這裡為什麼是having heard?

,was highly enchanted. 怎麼逗點之後是was ?

打錯 an ass having heard some grasshoppers chirping,這裡為什麼是having heard?






謝謝喔 花時間看一下


所以原句是不是Having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, An ass was highly enchanted; 文法書本好像都是把主詞An ass放後面,不會寫成An ass having heard some ....,這種格式,為什麼小說上這樣寫?有點困惑 @@


Toming 88 這題也幫忙一下 , 謝謝喔


喔,對了 , 如果那位解答者說的沒錯Simon說的沒錯 ,您就不用回答了 在那題的意見或在這裡跟我說一下。 若他說的不對 您就回答好了 就投你 謝謝..

回答 (1)

2019-01-12 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An ass------S
having heard some Grasshoppers chirping-------adv cl.
was highly enchanted------auxiliary verb; used with past participle to form past participle of verb(heard) in passive;
=an ass has heard=auxiliary verb,+present participle has+past participle
(1)It being an Absolute Construction=It having heard;
(2)an ass was highly enchanted-----------s+ aux.v.+past participle , passive;-------was enchanted=passive voice
(3)having heard some grasshoppers chirping--------auxiliiary verb present participle,qualified the adv.phr. "was enchanted"in (2)
(4)It having heard=absolute construction=Having heard=adv cl.
(5)chirp=v.=If a bird or insect grasshopper chirps, it makes short high sounds:-eg:-"Very enchanted," the ass chirped.
Type SVOC-----Grasshoppers enchanted an ass-----active
Type sv.passive,ca------An ass was enchanted by the grasshoppers.----passive
Given that grasshoppers=chirping, then Ass= enchanted must also be true in formal construction.
eg:-Assuming that the grasshoppers chirping now, shouldn't an Ass be enchanting now ?------in -ing participle clauses; subor are used with finite clauses.
eg:-Supposing the grasshoppers do the chirping, what would they do with another enchanted Ass ?------in -ing participle cl. subor are used with finite cl.
eg:-The Ass will be more enchanted if highly enchanted-------if introduce nonfinite clauses (mainly -ed participle clauses) and verbless clauses
eg:-Unless otherwise enchanted, an Ass should be highly enchanted (=was hjighly enchanted)-------"-ed" participle clauses and verbless clauses, a nonfinite clause.
If absolute construction in sentence means Independent Clause=S+Predicate, then
An ass had been enchanted ; given the grasshoppers chirping.
An ass----S
had been enchanted------auxiliary and operator
given the grasshoppers chirping-------predicate Predication.

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