Will Democrat supporters accept Mueller's report that there was no Trump/ Russia collusion?

2019-01-05 5:54 pm

回答 (18)

2019-01-05 5:57 pm
If Mueller is allowed to conclude his investigation, then yes.

Will you accept Mueller's report if there was Trump/Russia collusion?
2019-01-05 5:56 pm
No. They suffer from TDS and have cognitive dissonance.
2019-01-07 2:48 am
Of course not. They have such a hard-on for impeachment that the truth will have no effect whatsoever.
2019-01-06 2:38 am
Sure, just like regressives accepted the first Benghazi investigation that Hillary did nothing wrong.
2019-01-06 2:36 am
Will Trump supporters accept it when he says Trump is guilty?
2019-01-05 8:16 pm

Dems hate facts
2019-01-05 5:57 pm
Most of them won't.
2019-01-05 5:57 pm
Has Mueller actually reported that, or are you dreaming and speculating?
2019-01-12 6:03 am
NEVER! The Democrats just flat out refuse to listen to the TRUTH. They are still all upset that Hillary lost.
2019-01-06 3:24 am
Yes . About 1/2 hour after Republican supporters accept that Hillary's private mail server was incredibly stupid, but not criminal. And she can't be locked up.
2019-01-06 12:09 am
but there was.
2019-01-05 6:02 pm
2019-01-05 6:01 pm
2019-01-05 6:01 pm
2019-01-05 5:56 pm
2019-01-06 12:34 pm
We will just ignore it and impeach Trumpowitzler anyway my fellow good liberal!
2019-01-05 9:54 pm
You mean other than the proven meetings between Trump's staff and Russian government officials, which Trump was aware of, but lied about publicly? The ones where they discussed lifting the sanctions against Russia if they won, as well as the possibility that the Russians would release stolen emails?
2019-01-05 6:31 pm
Accepting a report that Trump did not collude with the Russian is one thing -- believing it ,another .

It would be akin to O J 's Not Guilty verdict since Trump's nearest and dearest have already admitted to it

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