A Muslim person who abstinent from all form of indulgence.?

2019-01-05 5:51 pm

回答 (5)

2019-01-08 1:46 pm
"A Muslim person who abstinent from all form of indulgence.?"

Guys. I am that Muslim person. You can ask the professor.
2019-01-07 11:05 am
Maybe we should just ask TA
2019-01-07 1:06 am
I have no idea of this Q.
2019-01-06 11:51 am
I also come from ISOM 1090. Should the answer start with F? Is Abstinence the answer?
2019-01-05 7:01 pm
Are you also a stu of isom1090 at hkust? I am also confused about this problem.

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