Break up with baby daddy ?

2019-01-05 2:29 pm
Me and my baby daddy aren’t happy at all I’m pretty much over the relationship I’ve been handling the house bills until he can get his stuff together and he was loyal to me he cheated on me multiples times and now I feel it’s time for me to move on he not live with him anymore he says it isn’t fair for me to just let him go and kick up out since he has no fair to go and claims he wants to help me and we help each other will I be wrong to move on ?

回答 (3)

2019-01-05 3:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just don't imagine that by "moving on" you're going to find a new relationship who is better.

Single mothers don't find it as easy to get a new man into their life as they would if they were single and unattached. Guys (rightly or wrongly) tend to prefer women who don't already have children. There are guys who will date a single mother, but many do so because they figure that it's easier to get a single mother.

If you think that being single for the next few years is better than being with this "baby daddy" then break up. But remember you won't have anyone around to help you out in a crisis, you'll be poorer (even if he pays child-support), and even if you get sick you don't get a break.

But if he actually helps you around the house or with your child or at least brings some money in and if he isn't abusive then you may want to consider keeping him around.
2019-01-05 3:33 pm
No, move on
2019-01-05 2:47 pm
Look, people can change. You can work on a relationship. I think it's well worth trying to seek counseling and put in time into a relationship like that, for the kid. Life and marriage and kids, hey it hurts, it's not easy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:33:45
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