Knee pain from standing at work?

2019-01-05 9:41 am
I ve worked at jobs where I did nothing but stand for 9-15 hours a day for years. Basically, I m used to standing and walking for long periods of time. Here recently, I ve been having pain in my right knee. What can I do to help this? Are there shoes or something that can help? Taking OTC pain meds help for a while, but I m looking more for a long term way to help.

回答 (3)

2019-01-05 9:55 am
Your smart to look for a long term solution, and to recognize the OTC pain meds are a short-term solution.

Continuing to deal with this by taking pain meds won't address the cause. The pain is likely associated with some damage, either from disease or from your doing something. While the meds may mask the pain, the damage may continue to get worse.

One thing to do is ask yourself if anything changed before the pain started. Did you change jobs? Did you change shoes?

I suggest you bring this to the attention of your doctor. The doctor may refer you to a workplace injury specialist, or an orthopedic specialist. The orthopedist might Rx a custom orthosis.
2019-01-05 10:04 am
Start with getting your self a good pair of walking shoes.I can recommend Etonics.I use to stand/walk on hard concrete floors all day as well till Icouldn't walk at all one day (so much pain).think it was the arch in one foot.
2019-01-05 10:23 am
It sounds like you have a workers compensation claim.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:13:46
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