How can I ask out a waitress I met out ?? Please read the whole thing?

2019-01-05 5:58 am
I went out to eat with my friends and my waitress was so beautiful. I wanted to say something but I didn’t wanna overwhelm her especially cause I found out it was her first day. And I was gonna leave my number on the check but I had to pay up front. I ended up finding her Instagram. Would it be weird if message her or should I wait a whole week till I go with my friends again and hope I get the same waitress?

回答 (2)

2019-01-05 6:23 am
Well, if you got the money to eat there all the time, you should find her and be able to give her your number. Doesn't mean it's going to work.
2019-01-05 6:10 am
Go to see her by yourself, not with your friends. If you found her so beautiful you can pay her a visit without having your friends in tow.

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