Christians, Why do none of you questions to atheists make sense, do you even know what an atheist is?

2019-01-05 12:07 am

sorry none of your questions


examples: "Why are atheists constantly trying to convince us that they are inherently smarter than everybody else?" "Atheists, if you dont believe in God, why do you worship Hillary Clinton as your God?

回答 (28)

2019-01-08 10:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I just thought I'd poke my head in here and say, "Holy ****! Fireball is still here!"
2019-01-05 12:09 am
Some do understand, some are mistaken.

Your post might have more credibility about making sense if you didn't lead with "...none of you questions..."
2019-01-05 12:14 am
I was an atheist so you make no sense :)
2019-01-05 12:16 am
I'm thinking that your sense of grammar might be throwing you off.
參考: bisexual Christian
2019-01-05 12:11 am
Sure, Atheists don't want God. Quite obvious.
2019-01-05 12:09 am
Yes, it's someone who hates God and worships Charles Darwin.
2019-01-05 12:19 am
They know what atheism is.
They just try to redefine it every day.
2019-01-05 12:16 am
I know what an an atheist is, He is a fool that says there is no God.
2019-01-05 6:04 am
Maybe it's not a case of the questions not making sense, it could be that the questions are too complicated. You will find many instances of athiests dismissing questions and comments as 'nonsense'. purely because they don't understand what is written.
2019-01-05 4:04 am
I've noticed a lot of the back-and-forth in this section involves people TELLING others what they believe, instead of ASKING what they believe.

And yes, Christians often do that to atheists. Maybe you've not noticed it, but atheists often do the same thing to Christians.
2019-01-05 3:25 am
I know what an atheist is, and because of that, there is little that I'd want to know from them. Therefore, I don't ask atheists any questions at all.
2019-01-05 2:13 am
They know what they WANT an atheist to be.
2019-01-05 6:28 am
The letter "a" before a word means the word following will be negated. Example: asymetrical. Not in symmetry. Therefore atheist means the opposite of a person who believes in God. Yes I know what it means.
2019-01-05 12:58 am
An atheist is a sinner who wants to keep on sinning.
2019-01-05 12:25 am
An atheist is a person who believes no god(s) exist. They believe we have this life and nothing more. Simple. A lot of questions here don't make much sense. There use to be a lot of very thoughtful, thought provoking questions here. Now, most questions are offensive to say the least, or hate provoking. Sad.
2019-01-05 12:17 am
All this time I thought it was the atheists that had the questions.
2019-01-08 6:44 pm
2019-01-06 11:16 am
No we don't know what an atheist is, how can we?, we never see them at church Sunday mornings.
2019-01-05 2:02 am
Yes I know exactly what an atheist is there a scumbag person that claims not to believe in God. But spends every minute of every day thinking about him and talking about him. They go out of their way can make people that are doing what is right do what is wrong and then they laugh in their face when they're in prison. yep I know exactly what an atheist is because I was one of them.
2019-01-05 12:55 am
athiest are the part of holy trinity

both drink alcohal
both wear bikini
both dont have beard
both eat pork
both watch pornography

if christians are trying to teach athiest so christians will be athiest but athiest will never be christians

Pagan religion cant answer truth
2019-01-05 12:52 am
atheist trolling ..........................................
2019-01-05 12:42 am
There are people who are entirely capable of posting questions that make sense or engaging in civil discourse, but choose not to in order to gain attention and notoriety. They're called trolls. Welcome to the internet.
2019-01-05 12:31 am
Does God exist?
Atheist: ‘no’ or ‘ I don’t think so’.

What’s the problem?
2019-01-05 12:27 am
If you think about it, isn't it better that way?

Think of how much harder we'd have to work if Christians found out what an atheist is, and started posting questions that were relevant to the positions we actually hold.

If they don't get it immediately, don't press the issue.
2019-01-05 12:12 am
They are afraid of a legitimate, thoughtful question, because they can't handle the responses they would get. So they resort to being as absurd and ridiculous as they can be. It's just their way of trolling.
2019-01-05 1:34 am
I do know. It's a false presumption, based mainly on rebellion because of the love of self and sin. SDG.
2019-01-05 1:16 am
I used to ask questions.
I got the answers I needed to see what is inside people.

many atheists here are haters of morality and righteousness and JESUS.

here were three questions.
the replies from atheists were expected.
I remember what people post (their intentions and heart).

Salvation? - does this sound good for you or would you rather enjoy this life to its fullest and then be finished with all things.?
...this skips over loving GOD and attaining salvation. choose your words carefully.

If you were on standby for a trip and saw God standing in line , would you ask Him for his seat? what do you think His reply would be?

[ spiritually thinking ] if you were drowning and God has his hand out, would you grab it to save yourself?

(yes these actually take into account recognition of GOD)
many think HE is a monster...

this is why they come here and rant each day.
their life is a mess and they are angry.

a life without GOD is an empty life.

posting here proves this for any hater (atheist).
a real atheist can be helped.

I hope you are a real one.
JESUS wants to help all atheists to believe.

this comes with SET RULES.

full doubt?
no chance in your mind GOD can be real?
= loss
參考: I have always come here to actually help people fix what is broken. most atheists (like yourself) are FALLEN believers. Matt 13 (did you read the verses?) if not you are not searching for answers. just posting your points of view. truth should be the reason you are in this section.
2019-01-05 12:41 am
Sometime it's not the intelligence of the questioner that's at fault; its the intelligence of the hearer.

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