Was I right for moving on from this girl ?

2019-01-04 7:50 pm
This girl seemed head over heels over messaging me on twitter and on Snapchat often. Recently over Christmas break she had messaged me about being happy to see me at work but took 3 days to reply. I then decided not to reply as I felt it was a waste of time. She had replied with her being sick but she had been active on twitter before she replied. She replied with hearts and stuff

回答 (5)

2019-01-04 8:04 pm
2019-01-04 8:00 pm
No, especially if she was hot. Don't text her, meet her and kiss her. That's what you gotta do. It's not real if you're just texting.
2019-01-04 7:53 pm
If she was sick that could explain why she didn’t text for 3 days she probably didn’t feel good
2019-01-04 7:53 pm
2019-01-04 8:04 pm
It was only 3 days
between it being Christmas, and her being unwell, you are incredibly unreasonable and demanding
I would move on, and buy a puppy if you need constant hand holding

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