Why do christians pretend to believe in god?

2019-01-04 2:49 am
when I was a christian I do not recall any point where I believed in god I tried to but I couldn't, now Chritians on R&S tell atheists that they are pretending that there is no god so that they can sin. It is clear to me that many christians are struggling to justify their religion to themselves, and do not in fact believe in god, no one who matters will judge you if you admit your lie

回答 (13)

2019-01-04 2:59 am
How can someone be Christian if they're atheist?
2019-01-04 4:27 am
you were pretending.
most Christians are not.

that's why you fell away.
JESUS never had you in HIS hands.
your doubt clouded this issue.

ever read Matt 13?
you really should.
which one fits your life? (in the parable)

animosity is all I see now.
2019-01-04 3:30 am
Clear to you now when you've left but not when staring you in the face ??? I know what I conclude from that !!!!
2019-01-04 3:04 am
I don't pretend.
參考: bisexual Christian
2019-01-04 2:51 am
We're not pretending. God is real. I feel sorry for you.
2019-01-04 3:20 am
You are the one pretending.
2019-01-04 3:10 am
I am not pretending to believe. A belief is a choice based on knowledge, reason, or nothing. I don't have the knowledge if God is real. I'm not a prophet or a spirit. I am only basing my belief on reason.
2019-01-04 2:52 am
atheist trolling ............................................
2019-01-04 2:56 am
I firmly believe in God because I was once an atheist and it almost killed me! Turning to Jesus Christ and God is what save me! If or if not God is real or not is not the question here!

The question is is the belief in God beneficial to a person's life? And the answer for about a hundred million people is a resounding yes.
2019-01-04 3:07 am
For points! For ultimately worthless Yahoo points! Hey, you gotta do something to waste time for 12 years, don'tcha? A part-time job is out of the question.
2019-01-04 4:56 pm
Honey, the fact that you never really believed in God does not mean that nobody else does.

Mind you, I can see how you might have come to that (erroneous) conclusion. If you are unable to believe that people other than yourself might really, genuinely, honestly, sincerely believe in God, it stands to reason that you would be incapable of believing in God Himself too.
2019-01-04 6:06 am
Are you stuck in that autistic world that can only see things from your own viewpoint?

It's no wonder the world is confusing to you!
2019-07-31 5:34 pm
A Christian is someone who believes in Jesus.

the way Christians act is not always the way that Christ is, please understand that. I've seen so many people say they dont believe in Jesus because of the way Christians act, but they are not the same. Christians are people who believe in Jesus, and are made righteous by Him, but they also are still in an imperfect human body, in a fallen world. They will not always do what is Christ-like, even if they should.
Jesus is good, even though humans are not.

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