Which part of New York is the best to live and kinda the cheapest? Brooklyn Manhattan Queens Bronx?

2019-01-03 8:45 am

回答 (5)

2019-01-04 1:59 am
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There's no part of Manhattan that would even remotely qualify as "cheap." Even Inwood in the far north and formerly undesirable areas like Washington Heights are ridiculously overpriced - and I'm talking you'd be paying $2,000 or more for a studio, possibly with a separate kitchen the size of a closet.

Most of the Bronx is still terrible, in my day it was all blacks and some areas are still predominantly black, but it's mostly Hispanic today. When I was growing up Allerton wasn't bad, but even that is a bit iffy now. Way up north by the Westchester County line there are some nice areas, if you want to live at the last stop.

Queens is the most ethnically diverse place on the planet. Areas like Ozone Park and Richmond Hill aren't terrible, but they're pretty close to some bad areas. The nicer areas like Bayside and Howard Beach are just too isolated. I used to hang out around Woodside, some pretty good pubs around there, it's also all Hispanic now. But at least it's on a decent train line and there are some nice blocks in that neighborhood. Astoria was nice years ago, but it's gotten way too pricey.

Brooklyn has the most character, but trust me, you pay for that. Park Slope isn't as nice as it used to be and it's ludicrously expensive, but again, it's a pretty decent place to live. Sunset Park isn't. Red Hook isn't. Don't even think about Carroll Gardens or Windsor Terrace, the rents are extortionate. I grew up in Bay Ridge which is another area where they're charging astronomical rents, and the subway service sucks, but it is what it is. Bensonhurst is all Russians and Chinese now. Honestly, I'd probably look around in Boro Park or Gravesend someplace like that if I were looking for a place now.

But for what you pay in the city, you might as well move out to one of those commuter towns in NJ along the PATH train line, or up to Westchester along the Metro North, it's slightly cheaper and you'd likely get a bigger place.
2019-01-03 8:07 pm
2019-01-06 11:59 am
Brooklyn with better transportation and cheaper rent in Sheepshead Bay and Midwood area. These area with a lot of White, Jews
2019-01-04 12:17 am
It varies almost block-by-block. Don't forget, it takes more than an hour just to get across the city, so transportation to wherever it is that you need to go for work is crucial.
2019-01-03 10:46 am

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