I can’t get this boy out of my head. Why did he act so nasty to me? 10 points?

2019-01-02 10:47 am
I still feel very hurt over this boy I invested time in for 4 months. , I grew a strong connection . I do love him as a person and I guess I did want more. At first he showed interest in me and everything, constantly rang text etc. I always tried to be there for him. We would have arguments but who doesn’t. I felt like he understood me. Until I started finding out he was best buddies with everyone. He started telling me I don’t want u, ur horrible etc. We would get into fights and he would call me ugly, no chest area, mongrel etc. I felt suicidal. I don’t like his friends and he said if u don’t like them then u don’t like me either. Then the other night I was so upset and texted him I miss u, I kept texting and he told me to leave him alone and that he was on a date . I cried so much and kept calling him then I heard the other girls voice, it broke my heart . She said that I’m psycho and that u was a nice friend but now your freaking him out. I told her to stay out of it and we argued after on the phone. All of this feels so unfair, he tells me if I wear short tops then I’m a dirty **** girl. He said im not attracted to u and I dont fancy u , he said I’m an ugly tramp and that it was all for his ego boost :( I blocked his number. I don’t know if he was angry or what but I feel hurt by his actions. I put on my story I was at a party on Friday.. he saw it then the next thing I know he’s out with a girl. Then he told me the girl was just a friend and that there was no date

回答 (4)

2019-01-02 10:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
: They are choosing to act this way. And not only are they choosing it… you are allowing and enabling it.

Here's the harsh truth: People can only treat you in ways you allow. In essence, you give permission and imbue people with knowledge of how you want to be treated. So, if you are settling for someone's poor treatment or halfway efforts, you are silently telling them, "Thank you. This is how I want you to treat me, and I like it. More, please."

People are treated in ways they don't like because: 1) On occasion, they receive the love they want on a limited basis, and they put up with poor behavior the rest of the time to get a crumb of love at some point in the future; or 2) Their self-esteem is so low, they feel (consciously or subconsciously) that this is all they are going to get. It's all they deserve.

If you put up with bad treatment, you are showing your partner that you don't respect yourself. You are showing them that you are only worthy of the unacceptable way they are treating you ... and each time you go back and forgive them, you are reinforcing their bad behavior.
2019-01-02 10:48 am
If he was ugly you wouldn’t give him the time of day even if he was nice.
2019-01-02 11:00 am
What tony said
2019-01-02 10:54 am
Look, I was never even in any relationship at all with the girls I wanted, it almost didn't even happen, ever. So, I can understand how you feel, you just got that sad feeling or longing, after sleeping with the guy, as opposed to not sleeping with the girl. That wrecked me. I mean, if you think you can find a nice guy who will treat you good, then find one, or alternatively, try to make some other guys feel better about themselves, by showing them a good time.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:14:24
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