How do I get saved by GOD?

2018-12-31 5:54 pm
I believe in God . I prayed the sinners prayer but I don't feel like i really am saved and will enter Heaven. Please help me on this. I still sin

回答 (30)

2018-12-31 11:04 pm
To be saved, BELIEVE IN JESUS. That easy :)

All saved people are still sinners. Sin won't stop salvation. It isn't "praying the sinner's prayer" It is believing in Jesus.
Jesus loves you and wants to bless your life freely :) Most of all, Jesus wants you with Him forever, and not in hell. The truth is that every belief except one will lead to eternal torment in the lake of fire for every person. Because nothing pays for our sins except the death and blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus that is already accomplished by Him . Jesus loves you! The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works, not deeds, not religions. So the only way to heaven and to avoid hell, is by believing in Jesus for eternal life (John 6:47), without adding any of your own works (Romans 4:5). Believe in Jesus to take you to heaven, and you will be in heaven, no matter what, guaranteed. That easy, thanks to Jesus! Tell Jesus that you thank Him that you will be with Him in heaven when you die, because you believe in Jesus! It is too late to be saved, after death
2018-12-31 5:58 pm
When you prayed the sinners prayer, you got saved. God understands that we still do sin even after receiving salvation that is the reason it’s a gift of grace to be saved.

True repentance begins when you try your best to not do the things you know are sins.
2018-12-31 6:22 pm
Of course you still sin. No where does the Bible say that you will stop sinning after becoming a Christian. In fact, the Bible says that you will sin after you are saved. After becoming a Christian, your sin has no bearing on whether you are saved or not. God's grace is stronger than your sin.

You do not have to "feel" like you are saved. Salvation has nothing to do with feelings. It is a state of grace that is upon you, and nothing you feel will change that.
2018-12-31 10:16 pm
John 3:16 says that the way we can gain everlasting life is by excercising faith in Jesus and in God.

Psalms 37:29 says that the righteous ones will live forever on earth.

For more bible based information please visit
2018-12-31 10:20 pm
fyi NO ONE is "saved" in this life. We don't know whether we've been given salvation until we die and meet our Maker.
參考: Greek Orthodox Christian
2018-12-31 6:17 pm
In one sense it's easy, given that Jesus Christ did all the work needed to grant salvation to sinners. But that has led to the dangerous assumption that a person just needs to "say the sinner's prayer" and, job done. No, it isn't.

It's impossible for humans to receive eternal life by their own efforts or desires. That's because all our efforts and all our desires are corrupted by the sin that afflicts us. Even "our righteous acts are as filthy rags" with our sin crumpling us up like a leaf and sweeping us away. That's in Isaiah 64:6.

When Jesus was asked by a very rich young man what he had to do to inherit eternal life, and he said he already kept the law of God, Jesus then pointed out what was preventing him - his great wealth. He needed to get rid of the shackles of his wealth in order to follow Jesus. Jesus challenged this devout man's idea of what 'goodness' is, and explained to the disciples that rich people can hardly enter the kingdom of God. Yet Jesus added, "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible." (Mark 10:17-27)

The key to being saved and having eternal life lies with God. First, we need to admit that it is impossible for us, humanly speaking, to enter the kingdom of God and thus to have eternal life. Sadly, many professing believers in God are offended by this initial step. They like to think they can merit eternal life as a reward, that they can do good works to deserve what God only gives as a gift. They don't consider what Jesus said about the need to first be born from above, by the Spirit, to see the kingdom of God (for how can anyone enter into that which they cannot even see?) John 3:3

A new, spiritual birth is needed to be saved and that is the work of the Holy Spirit who first convicts us sinners of our sin, that we are like fading flowers of the field and that we must repent of our sin. Only when we grasp that it's what Jesus did on the cross and via the empty tomb can we trust utterly in His finished work and that faith is what saves us. Yet having faith is not a 'work', it's not something 'we do' to be saved. Faith is God’s gift.

Jesus told a Samarian woman at a well that He was the gift of God; Jesus gives everlasting life (John 4:10-14). "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23) "Even when we were dead in sins, [God] hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace are ye saved) ...For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:5-12)

So, although it's easy to receive a gift, if we are not offended at the giver or offend the giver by offering to pay for his gift, receiving eternal life as the free grace of God is impossible for humans to do unless the Holy Spirit begins to deal with them first about their sin, leading to repentance and having faith only in Jesus. To test whether that has happened with you, ask yourself if your reaction to learning about 'the sinner's prayer' was, "Oh, yes, I'm not perfect. I've done wrong things. I'd better say 'sorry' to God." It that was all you understood about your sin, then you have not been convicted of your unholy, sinful standing before the righteous God and you are not yet saved. Time to get on your knees and ask for the Holy Spirit to convict you of your sin. When that happens, and you respond with biblical repentance and faith in Christ, you will not need to ask if you are saved by God or not.
2018-12-31 6:11 pm
You need to be baptized, if you have been,
2018-12-31 6:09 pm
If you are interested in how to become a Christian (and thus be saved from your sins so that you can go to heaven rather than hell), read the following scriptures and you’ll figure it out. It’s not complicated.

Jn 3:5,16; Lk 13:3; Mt 10:32-33; Rom 10:9-10; Mk 16:16; Ac 2:38; 10:47-48; 22:16; Rom 6:3-4; Gal 3:26-27; 1Pet 3:21; Rev 2:10; 2Tim 2:15; 2Pet 1:5-10.

Below are some examples of people who became Christians.

Ac 2:40,41,47; 8:12,26-39; 9:17-18 (22:16); 10:47-48; 16:15; 16:30-33; 18:8; 19:1-5.
2018-12-31 6:00 pm
Stop sinning. Repent and be baptised. Keep believing, keep praying. Read your bible, go to a bible believing, preaching and teaching church, regularly.
2019-01-04 12:41 pm
Being saved is not about a feeling. And also just because you get saved does not mean that you won't ever sin again.If you ask me you are already showing evidence of your salvation by asking this question. I have an article that I published here It may answer some of your question as well.
2019-01-02 2:55 pm
Do you know Jesus, first of all?
Do you acknowledge that you have sinned against God and unable to save yourself?
Do you acknowledge that Jesus had died for your sins and rose again three days later?
If your answer is yes to the above questions, do you believe and trust Jesus alone as your Lord and Savior, and believe what he has done to save you from your sin? Do you accept his gift of salvation?

By the way, even if your answers are yes to all those questions above, that you are saved, it does not mean you will never sin again, it simply means that you are no longer living in sin, your sin nature is gone. There is a possibility that you will struggle with sin throughout your life. You just need to take sin more seriously, and walk with God.
2019-01-01 12:48 pm
There are more than a million Christian witnesses of Jehovah today that have taken the proper steps to save their lives by putting away the superfluous thing, moral badness, and all filthiness of the flesh. They believe Paul when he said: “You should put away the old personality which conforms to your former course of conduct and which is being corrupted according to his deceptive desires; but . . . you should be made new in the force actuating your mind, and should put on the new personality which was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.” (Eph. 4:22-24) The only way that one could put on this new personality, “which was created according to God’s will,” would be by first getting rid of the old personality. Then a change can begin to take place. That new force actuating your mind would result from your accepting “with mildness the implanting of the word which is able to save your souls.” Paul was very interested in putting on this new personality, and that was why he said at 1 Corinthians 9:27: “I browbeat my body and lead it as a slave, that, after I have preached to others, I myself should not become disapproved somehow.”
2019-01-01 11:43 am
Save you from what? The very rules, judgments, and punishments that supposed god supposedly created?

If you want to be saved, don't believe in something as ridiculous as a magical imaginary man in the sky. Believe in reality and scrutinize the things you think you know with skepticism, accepting things only when you have evidence that such things are actually true.
2019-01-01 12:50 am
Open your New Testament and learn the 5 terms of pardon, Romans 10:17, John 8:24, Luke 13:3, Matthew 10:32, Acts 2:38 and then Revelation 2:10.
2019-01-01 12:09 am
Salvation is a function of believing the gospel; that your salvation is a matter of faith only, in Christ and His sacrifice He performed for you in your stead. There is NOTHING you personally can "do" in order to attain salvation, jumping through hoops as it were.

We all still "sin." But what God does for us, as a result of our repentance (turning to Him) is to forgive us of our sins, and place us in a condition of grace where our sins are no longer able to condemn us.
2018-12-31 8:25 pm
Salvation is from God Almighty Jehovah. The way the truth and Light is to follow his son Jesus and pray to God do what is said how a Christian should live his or her life you will find.
2018-12-31 10:57 pm
When you say saved that is speaking in past tense. (Mt 24:14) says he that endures to the end will be saved. With this in mind we need to ask what is required to be saved. (1 Tim 2:4) God's will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. The truth is we need to exercise faith in Jesus as our Lord and savior and we must have faith in his Father who sent him.(John 3:16, John 4:34) Jehovah says that those worshiping him must worship him in spirit and in truth.(John4:23) Therefore we must worship Jehovah for who he is and that is, the Almighty God and through whom he sent his son Jesus Christ. By means of his son we are able to approach our Heavenly father in our sinful state. We come to understand that we are imperfect and we will never be able to remove our inherited sin. However we do have a savior in Jesus who wipes our sins away with his perfect blood. By recognizing that we should repent for our sins, will move rightly disposed ones to exercise our belief in the son which means reading Gods word daily and becoming "doers of the word not just hearers only" and taking action continuously.By putting on the new personality. These actions befit someone who is trying to remain in the bossom of Jehovah (James 1:22, Eph. 4:22-24)

If you have any other questions please look at there you will find answers from the Bible from an assortment of questions.
2018-12-31 6:04 pm
Believing in God is an extremely complex affair. What do you mean by "believe"?
2020-04-23 7:26 pm
I know this is old, just thought I might could help some. I too believe in God, I believe in the morals that the Bible teaches. Reading through the book of proverbs will show you the morals that Christians are supposed to try to model, again nobody is perfect, doesn’t mean we can’t try(aimed at the atheist). I was raised a Baptist, though with all kinds of denominations in America today I hold my tongue when asked who is right. I try to be open minded but logical. I know a lot of the Bible is left to interpretation as their are many words in Hebrew that can be translated in different ways giving different meanings in English. My mom had one time asked me a question when i had been caught looking at porn when I was 12. She asked, “Did you ever have a voice in your head saying this might not be a good idea?” Me believing that she was talking about my conscience agreed. She claimed that she believed that was part of what God was. Being 21 now I still have those moments. I think everyone does. It’s just a matter of listening to those inner hints. TRYING to be moral. I think God when he created us new exactly what he was doing. He knew we weren’t going to be perfect, he knew that we were going to mess up every now and then. Just as we know our dog might tear a pillow every now and then. Doesn’t make it right, but if you start to learn from your wrongs and change your ways I think God will smile down upon you and totally let you into heaven. In the Bible, can’t remember where, maybe somewhere in Genesis, God says,”I will live in Man for 120 year.” I interpreted that as he will live in mankind for 120 years. I believe that he was talking about living in us through consciousness. I know everyone is not living to be 120, but this was written along time ago when I’m sure people could’ve.  Never does he say that we are supposed to live to be 120 years old though. I think that verse should be read along with how our body is gods temple. If you treat you body bad with junk food and never exercise it, you surely won’t live to be 120 because you’re not praising what God has given you. 
2019-02-11 11:38 am
Start going to Church, Dude.
2018-12-31 10:06 pm
Do you include in your prayers to ask GOD for protection from/of the devil? For the devil likes to try and sneak in.
2018-12-31 9:44 pm
That's going to be tough since god doesn't exist. But you can just pretend like everyone else.
2018-12-31 6:52 pm
Have you repented of going against the Lord? (We all did that)

Are you baptized? You need that. Find a church that does this.
2018-12-31 8:41 pm
You are part of a fear based religion and I can't help you.
2018-12-31 8:01 pm
You need to be baptised. Go to church.
2018-12-31 7:25 pm
Tell him you're a dollar, then you'll see how he deposits you into his savings account.
2018-12-31 7:10 pm
No. Pray my believer's prayer.
參考: 1 Corinthians 15 57 open for business gaining interest.
2018-12-31 6:52 pm
You don't. God has his chosen people.
Your children could become those of
the Hebrew Faith but not you.
2018-12-31 6:17 pm
U must learn good manners and right conduct at elementary school or the Catholic church.
2018-12-31 7:00 pm
To get saved by Him, you just get killed by one of His other sons, then get your entire life restarted.

You're in His best attempt at a heaven already now. You can either accept that, and work on making your life better for yourself. Or you can worsen it, and turn it into an absolute hell. The choice is yours.

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