"You" have better and not-so-better times; one's soul or inner Child is composed of all the times; those which resonate with God, Good, are "saved;" kindly read C. S. Lewis' "The Great Divorce"--a novella but accurate--for how souls move from not-so-better to better, both during life on earth, and post-passing. Generally, the soul has to have or contain enough Light of God to rise beyond the confusion of "death, hell, and delusion." If you're not feeling saved, this may indicate that your "better" awareness is prompting your present awareness that it needs more Light and Love. To develop more Light and Love, purify; in turn, Light and Love develop more Purity. Ask God nightly to guide, guard, and teach your soul, while your body rests; simple sincerity means you're teachable.
You might check with good Christians, such as the sermons offered by R. C. Sproul, for reference: