Why do I hear music from the left earbud but not the right?

2018-12-30 3:29 am
I got a new iPod touch this Christmas and when I plugged in my earbud, animal donut ones, I can hear more from the left then the right. I then tried it on my laptop and it's the same thing. I even tried a hearing test on the internet and it's always the right one that is weaker and this is my second set. Now I'm suffering from allergies so is it possible that this is all in my heads, or do I need a new set of earbuds, or do I need to go to get a hearing test from the docs?

Update: Turns out it's a bit of both allergies and the earbuds. So here's an update question: which ear hugger earphones should I get? Keep in mind I have glasses.

回答 (6)

2018-12-31 9:39 am
ultra thin mouse whisker thick wire conductors,H phones from the 80s & 70s
used durable long lasting materials,
makers now use the least materials their customers are willing to pay,to save mfg shpg & less storage space,they suppose you millenials want light easy playtoys
earbuds sell for ten bucks which they believe you will simply fork over for a new pair when the old ones conk out
2019-01-01 8:51 am
I would recommend getting Boston headphones. I had speakers from them and they were great.
2018-12-31 10:34 am
I have had that issue before and it SUCKS! Try switching ears-left in right,right in left.If the difference isn't great, it might balance out.Did for me once.
2018-12-30 7:56 pm
It gave out or try to twist the AUx input a bit maybe both come back on
2018-12-30 7:25 pm
ear problem
2018-12-30 6:04 am
Poor quality could be the reason...
2018-12-30 5:14 am
Ear buds are made cheap and easily break. It's probably better to get wireless ones or tangle free ones with a thick rope chord.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:13:17
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