Hey prophets, what do you think will be happening in 2019?

2018-12-29 7:08 pm

回答 (13)

2018-12-29 7:24 pm
The sport of base-hockey will be invented, combining hockey and baseball
2018-12-29 7:12 pm
Trump will do lots and lots of crying and blaming of Democrats for his own ineffectualness. Trump will continue to call Mueller's investigation a "witch hunt" as it continues to close in around him, which will only make Americans wonder if we just threw a bucket of water onto Trump, would our problems be solved as he he melted down into an orange puddle?
2018-12-29 7:13 pm
I will be a father at 17 😭
2018-12-29 7:17 pm
A second Brexit referendum and the UK staying in the EU.
2018-12-29 7:11 pm
Trump will say something stupid
Brexit will happen without a second referendum
I'll have my birthday in july
2018-12-29 7:10 pm
More Northern / Northwestern eradication, Islamification, cultural degradation and enemy-enabled depredations.

Fun times. -.-
參考: Highly incisive, very culturally sophisticated, very aware and very strong-minded tactician, veteran threat detector (highly likely the most competent with this, of the millennial generation) and developer of life-saving and mind-opening concepts of societal structure and consciousness. Vehement advocate of human advancement, as well as continuity of desirable human and societal attributes (will viciously oppose anyone or anything threatening these, without exception).
2018-12-30 4:48 am
The sun will rise on the 31st of December by dusk there will be much partying and by night fall people will be drinking much overpriced alcohol and listening to overly loud bands while talking to each other in drunken tongues auld Lang Syne will be sung by millions of drunken people, many people will end up kissing people they wish they hadn’t and by Dawn many will be hungover and there will be a major anti climax and January the 1st.... uh it’s getting vague my power is only limited to a couple of days but I bet I’m right
2018-12-30 2:18 am
A lot
2018-12-30 1:38 am
參考: Sixth Sense
2018-12-29 10:29 pm
End of the world
2018-12-29 9:53 pm
The lower case alphabet weirdo will continue to make many accounts to build up points. If you notice they are on pretty much all of the questions..they hope to be ignored and once they have build up points. .They will ask those stupid poo questions,pick on users all over YA and mass vote to report questions and answers. Notice all of the accounts are in Dec of this year. Don’t ignore..please report them. They are the reason many questions disappear and they stalk you too. GET RID OF THEM and it’s really one person.
2018-12-29 9:06 pm
The major planetary aspect for the 2019 horoscope is Saturn sextile Neptune which brings material gain from spiritual pursuits. You can make your dreams come true with hard work and a sensible, realistic approach. You will understand your own limitations but will be optimistic at the same time. It brings a test of your faith due to an embarrassing loss of face or some disappointment. You may have been too trusting or over idealized a romantic interest. It is important to cut your losses as soon as the reality of the situation shatters your illusion. This is a good time to try something new and different. This could range from a new hair style to an overseas adventure. You can take risks now and feel optimistic about success.
2018-12-29 7:19 pm

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