I need advice about my new girlfriend and whether or not I should propose?

2018-12-29 5:50 am
So I recently acquired a girlfriend that I met through an inmate dating site. I started writing her letters and she responded and we hit it off. She's very attractive, an 8/10 I'd say. She would be a ten if she didn't have tattoos and if she didn't have a child (her child is being raised by her grandparents though), but I imagine that having a child did a number on her nether regions and her belly. But regardless of those flaws, she is young and gorgeous. She won't be out of prison until 2040 though, but she has the possibility of getting out on parole in 2025. I really like her but I crave intimacy. It stinks to only be able to see her through a piece of glass. I was thinking of proposing to her so we can get married and have conjugal visits. Is this a bad idea? What's the worst thing that could happen?

回答 (7)

2018-12-29 5:30 pm
If you’re super desperate, can’t find other girls and don’t mind the stigma of your wife being a felon criminal being a public record.... Then sure, you can marry her. Provided she’d actually have sex with you (would she?). If she refuses sex after y’all get married, MAKE SURE YOU PROMPTLY GET AN ANNULMENT SO SHE DOESNT GET YOUR MONEY VIA A LATER DIVORCE. Sex should happen within literally 1 week. Period. Make sure you discuss this with her in full detail about your and her expectations and desires and what y’all will do, prior to tying the knot.

Obviously, I don’t recommend just dating her without getting married.... duh. Because there’s absolutely no purpose to looking at her through the glass only. You might as well watch porn and save yourself the money and drama.

Also, it’s worth considering what her crime was. Because if you break up with her later and she is a violent criminal, she may come into your house when you’re sleeping and slit your throat. So be careful
參考: Personally, I would never in a million years do this, no matter how attractive she was.
2018-12-29 6:15 am
Is that you Donovan ? He of the pillowy lips ?
2018-12-31 12:32 am
People have married for lamer reasons I suppose.
2018-12-29 6:25 am
You should stop trolling. That’s what you should do.
2018-12-29 6:20 am
Nice try
2018-12-29 6:12 am
What an idiot, dump the woman, she is never going to be a proper wife to anyone is she? get a brain.
2018-12-29 4:16 pm
She seems bad girl enough.
Just enjoy visiting only. Never marry her bc she is bad.
Find right girl.

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