Will liberals accept Mueller's decision if he finds no Trump/Russia collusion?

2018-12-28 3:36 pm

回答 (14)

2018-12-28 3:53 pm
We know he's guilty because he and his Republicans have been fighting the investigation since the election.
2018-12-28 3:49 pm
Yep. But, of course, we need to see the whole report; not selectively leaked portions (the reason for the caveat is that apparently the Attorney General gets to decide whether to release all, part, or none of the report).
2018-12-28 3:54 pm
What more evidence of Trump-Russia collusion do you need?

We know President Donald Trump during the campaign publicly encouraged the Russians to hack and release Hillary Clinton's emails. We know he referenced the WikiLeaks email dump 145 times in the closing days of the campaign. We also know that Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner and then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort met with Russians in June 2016 with the promise of "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, and we have learned that campaign adviser George Papadopoulos had extensive contacts with Russian officials that included discussion of "dirt" on Clinton. To say that there is no evidence of collusion, then, would be one more big lie in a series of big lies the administration has deployed to defend itself in the Russia investigation that threatens to sink this presidency.

But in case all of that were not enough to constitute "collusion" (which is not a legal term) :

"Trump's eldest son exchanged private messages with WikiLeaks during the presidential campaign at the same time the website was publishing hacked emails from Democratic officials, according to correspondence made public . Donald Trump Jr. did not respond to many of the notes, which were sent using the direct message feature on Twitter. But he alerted senior advisers on his father's campaign, including his brother-in-law, Jared Kushner, according to two people familiar with the exchanges.

"In the messages, WikiLeaks urged Trump Jr. to promote its trove of hacked Democratic emails and suggested that President Trump challenge the election results if he did not win, among other ideas. They were first reported by the Atlantic and later posted by Trump Jr. on Twitter."

Even more directly, Donald Trump Jr. was urged to have his father tweet a link to the leaked email:

"'Hey Donald, great to see you and your dad talking about our publications,' WikiLeaks wrote. 'Strongly suggest your dad tweets this link if he mentions us.' The message included a link to search documents that had been hacked from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. Trump Jr. did not answer. Fifteen minutes later, his father tweeted to his millions of followers: 'Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!' Two days later, Trump Jr. tweeted the link to his followers, writing, 'For those who have the time to read about all the corruption and hypocrisy all the @wikileaks emails are right here: http://wlsearch.tk/.'"

Trump may claim that his son was acting foolishly on his own and that he tweeted without knowledge of his son's communication with WikiLeaks. Even if you believe that, it can no longer be said that there was no behind-the-scenes coordination (i.e. collusion) between the top level of the Trump campaign and the most prominent Russian "cut-out," WikiLeaks.


Not to mention all the lies by his staff about Russian contacts. - That IS evidence! -

Whether it's prosecutable is a different issue.
2018-12-28 5:23 pm
yes. Will you accept trump's guilt when that is exposed...again?
2018-12-28 4:01 pm
No more than you would accept the decision of your math teacher announcing that 5+5=67, as opposed to 10. You would quite rightly call bullsh*t. But there's zero chance of Mueller clearing Trump, for the same reason that there's zero chance of your math teacher declaring 5+5=67, i.e. they aren't idiots.
2018-12-28 3:40 pm
They will cry and make up more hogwash.
2018-12-28 3:37 pm
Of course not.
2018-12-29 5:30 am
he won boys
he will run in 2020 will win again
mueller has been hoofing on evidence on trump for 2 ******* years
so,ahh whereizt?
2018-12-28 4:10 pm
No, they will say it's some conspiracy.

The FBI can be both the most efficient organisation in the world, or the most corrupt, depending on whether it suits liberals or not.
2018-12-28 4:05 pm
Sure, just like they accepted Hillary's loss to Trump.
2018-12-28 3:45 pm
Why should he when he’s innocent?
2018-12-28 4:13 pm
so they know he is lying.
2018-12-29 6:52 pm
They won't. That's why they've already begun trying to accuse Trump of violating campaign finance laws as plan b when the Russian collusion conspiracy theory is shown to be fiction.
2018-12-28 4:20 pm
hell no

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