Is my husband emotionally abusive?

2018-12-28 1:01 pm
I was trying to get along with his parents and relatives but he calls me fake *** ***** whenever I try to say hi to his mom. He always calls me fake. I’m sick and tired of it. He calls me that because before me and his family didn’t really get along due to them didn’t really like me for their son, but now that we’re married, they are trying to get along with me but my husband calls me fake *** *****.

回答 (4)

2018-12-29 10:33 am
Yes! My husband and I have been together for over 6 years and of course we have our arguments but he has never called me out of my name. Don't allow him to keep doing that.
2018-12-29 2:07 am
He sounds too immature to build a good marriage. Sorry.
2018-12-28 1:22 pm
No husband should call their partner something like that. This in and of itself probably doesn't constitute abuse, but if he's the kind to say something like that he might not be great for you. If you bring it up and tell him how you don't like it and he fixes it, then he's probably fine. But if you bring it up, and he continues to do it despite you asking him not to, that's bad news.
Hope this helps!
2018-12-29 5:44 pm
that one example alone is not enough to say if he's abusive or not. seriously? being abusive is a PATTERN of behaviour that is designed to wear you down and control you. not one remark.
2018-12-28 1:49 pm
Did you marry a teenager? He sounds immature as hell. Id run for the hills

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