If Mueller's report shows there was no Trump/Russia collusion, will democrats accept it or will they start bashing Mueller?

2018-12-27 1:49 pm

回答 (11)

2018-12-27 1:50 pm
2018-12-27 1:51 pm
Mueller has nothing to do with Democrats. He's a republican appointed by a republican, appointed by a republican nominated by DONALD TRUMP. Democrats will take Mueller's evidence into account when deciding how and if to check his power next year, but they are under no obligation to stop providing checks and balances on a very unbalanced president.
2018-12-27 1:56 pm
I doubt that Trump supporters will accept any findings against Trump.
2018-12-27 1:55 pm
We KNOW about the Trump/Russia collusion. We didn't need Mueller to prove that was happening, we all know now it was happening. We know about illegal payments to women Trump screwed. We know about the emoluments. Lots of this stuff Mueller doesn't have to prove because the proof is already out!

My guess is that there will be a sh*tload of OTHER stuff in Mueller's report. And more stuff that will be found by Congressional oversight committees now that they're actually going to do their jobs.

But what do I know? Wait and see! It shouldn't be long now.
2018-12-27 2:01 pm
Democrats will not bash Mueller; that's what Republicans and Trumpsters do. We will respect his conclusions.

HOWEVER, you and I have seen and heard collusion with our own eyes and ears. The Trump Tower meeting alone was classic collusion, and there are many more examples.

Do they rise to the level of criminality or conspiracy? I have no idea. But there is collusion aplenty.
2018-12-27 1:58 pm
If, if, if. Why are you challenging Democrats in advance of Mueller’s report?

There is already evidence of collusion. Mueller has to recommend whether what he has found is a good basis for prosecution.
2018-12-27 1:52 pm
2018-12-27 2:00 pm

You're thinking of a typical d\ckhead response that one would get from Trump such as blaming the Federal Reserve for the stock market crash we just had.

No, democrats will accept Mueller's findings.

We're not crybabies like your boy dumbo.
2018-12-27 1:55 pm
Liberals are stupid. They want Trump impeached and want Mike Pence. If I was going to impeach someone i would want someone from my own party. Liberals want to impeach a Republican and have another Republican
2018-12-27 1:53 pm
they will bash Mueller, and then point to Trump jay walking, or spitting on the sidewalk as a call for impeachment.
2018-12-27 1:54 pm
Since when have Democrats been graceful losers. Democrats will turn on Mueller if he doesn't charge President Trump. When McCain died, Democrats praised him for a few days until they remembered how much they hated him. Liberal morons have already convicted President Trump of collusion so if Mueller doesn't agree with their bigoted reasoning, people can expect Mueller to join the list of people that every Democrat is expected to hate.

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