請問這一句英文怎麼翻譯? "這個流程中包括一個判斷各個產品是否合格的步驟" (請注意,不是"判斷是否各個產品都合格"喔?)?

2018-12-25 7:26 pm

我想說 兩者的差異是判斷的對象應該是不太一樣 一個是每個產品都去判斷它合格或不合格,比較是像在分類,每一個產品都有自己的判斷結果。 另一個是去判斷是不是每個產品都合格? 也就是在判斷整體,所有產品都合格,判斷結果才為是。 這兩種的語意應該是不同,應該是有不同的翻譯方式

回答 (4)

2018-12-25 8:56 pm


this process includes steps to ensure each individual product is qualified.

this process includes steps to ensure all products are qualified.
2018-12-26 7:59 am
It is no. 1 that you need:-
This process includes a calculated step, according to pre-fixed standard, to pre-determine whether all products will be standardized regular.
It is Not no. 2 that you want:-
To determine if all products are qualified to meet the regular standard.
2018-12-26 11:49 am
"在該自動化之過程中,已包括檢驗產品是否合格的步驟"==As far as stream-lined operation being concerned,does the procedure of final inspection and examination of products is to be included ? Yip
2018-12-26 1:06 am
基本意思應冇神分別,或他只想用不同語氣去作強調吧!又或者,原文基本上用錯了「判斷」這動詞,因作者不想錯譯為一個簡單的终極步驟吧! (to determine or judge based on the test results on each product)

This procedure includes a step to inspect each individual product for meeting standard.

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