How many counts of breaking and entering would Santa be charged with this season?

2018-12-25 5:53 am

回答 (8)

2018-12-25 5:53 am
He won't be charged with any.
2018-12-25 10:50 am
NONE, he only enters where he is invited.
2018-12-25 7:44 am
None because instead of stealing from us he leaves us gifts. And we welcome him with milk and cookies. Besides, he doesn't visit homes where he isn't invited.
2018-12-25 5:54 am
About 7 billion
2018-12-25 7:57 am
We will make sure Santa skips your house this Christmas.
2018-12-25 7:33 am
2018-12-25 6:09 am
Santa is a career criminal. He will be charged with much much more than that.

Illegally crossing borders and restricted airspaces.
Breaking and entering
Wage theft
Animal abuse
Tax evasion
Evidence tampering
Insider trading.

This man must be stopped
2018-12-25 6:04 am
None if he comes across the border illegally

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