Is it offensive to the LGBT community to call a man a butch?

2018-12-24 9:00 am
For some context.

I have to write a story and in my story, there is a male antagonist that is supposed to be overweight with a baby face so bad you can't tell if he's a man or woman. I'm thinking of making the protagonist nickname him Butch to make fun of his features. I think this also gives the readers a clear image of what he looks like.

I just want to make sure it's not offensive like alluding to a butch being a negative thing etc.

Would appriciate if a member of the LGBT (perferably a lesbian) answers this :) thanks.

回答 (5)

2018-12-24 10:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not offensive at all but don't you think Marissa is a better name for an antagonist
2018-12-24 12:42 pm
Not sure if it makes sense.
We call lesbians butch if they dress kind of manly. Don't have another word for it.
2018-12-24 9:06 am
2018-12-24 9:06 am
I’m all for them being offended and being forced to reconsider their life choices. If they are even more butthurt than usual, literally and figuratively, all the better.
2018-12-24 11:04 am
Call someone "Butch" and they will have an image of Paul Newman in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. There is nothing offensive in the name "Butch". It does become tiresome when people stereotype gay guys as being "butch" or "bïtch" but "Butch" as a name is fine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:14:02
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