英文absolute construction?

2018-12-23 10:12 pm

To: Toming88 謝謝你的回答喔
但是可不可以寫的詳細一點 有點看不懂

Here are ths first three packs of cigaretees, a fourth one to arrive next week.
這裡的a fourth one to arrive next week 可以怎麼改,但意思不變。

A number of body guards followed the female candidate, some to hold her briefcase, some to protect her from being disturbed

這裡的 some to hold her briefcase,,some to protect her from being disturbed.可以怎麼改,但意思不變。


想知道句子是如何變成 名詞+to+動詞? @@

謝謝各位 我花時間理解一下 some to hold her briefcase 跟 some were to hold her breifcase 意思一樣嗎? some were to 很像 some are to 即將要做什麼的意思是嗎? 但是原句 some to hold 原本意思就是 some were to hold 的意思? 還是這兩種根本就不同?

回答 (3)

2018-12-24 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
The use of future tense:-
(1)eg:-If here are the first 3 packs of cigarettes, then the fourth packs of cigarettes will arrive next week.
Or:-eg:-The 4th pack arrives----with the 3 previous nos.-----to arrive to complete the total nos.
or:-eg:-Since a 4th pack is forcasted "to arrive" next week, the nos.were completed.cf:-(N+to+v)

(2)Followed by BG by the female candidate (,)-----Participial past phrase usage is used to imply the passive. note also the use of the comma after the past participial phrase(,)
she was seen-------------main clause, passive implied
when "some were holding her briefcase"------adv.cl. of manner, purpose
"and" while "some were protecting her from being disturbed".------adv cl of condition, reason, result, purpose
Or:-eg:-SubN+Vt +N + to infinitive as Obj.=N+to+V----> as obj of the verb---->She got----her BG's two duties served----"to stay" as a candidate.
Or Usage "in order for some to---=>s to v "
eg:-A no. of BG followed the female candidate"in order to--->in order "for some of BG" to hold her brief case;
"for some of BG" to protect her from being disturbed.
Or:-eg:-Since she was to be protected from being disturbed and to be released from being burdensome (adj) by holding her briefcase, the BG were subjected to servicing.
Or:-The use of where=relative adv related to S "some (S) were to(to) hold(V)":-
A no. of BG followed the female candidate, where some were to hold her breifcase;
where some were to protect her from being disturbed.
Or:-to infinitive=A no. of BG "continuous" (to follow) her=she is (to be followed)----passive to-inf form to be, and the "ed" form of the verb follow
Or N toV=to infinitive=is to follow> are to hold, are to protect
The relative adv "when" is used:-
When a no. of BG is to follow her---rel adv cl.
they are to hold---------finite----mc
they are to protect ------finite-----mc.
Or:-The Absolute Construction where an absolute phrase is usually used adverbially:-eg:-
It being Absolute Construction,------adverbial
a no. of BG (follows) a female candidate(cf. president)------mc--"N+ toV"="---is to follow";
holding her briefcase------non-finite cl w/o tense or modality
protecting her from disturbance-------non-finite可有可無;
2018-12-24 2:03 am
1. 主句和其後的absolute片語有著對等的關係,片語改寫後用「對等連接詞」連接便可。
Here are the first three packs of cigarettes and the fourth one is to arrive next week.
( is + infinitive = 將會+ ...)

2. (a) 主句和其後的片語有著目的的關係,片語改寫後用「從屬連接詞」(in order to) 連接說明"followed"的目的。
A number of body guards followed the female candidate, in order for some to hold her briefcase and for some to protect her from being disturbed.

Form Longman dictionary:
[was/were to do something]
- used when talking about a time in the past to say what happened later
e.g. This discovery was to have a major effect on the treatment of heart disease.

(b) 主句和其後的片語有著情況的關係,片語改寫後用「從屬連接詞」(where = 在…的情況下) 連接便可。
A number of body guards followed the female candidate, where some were to hold her briefcase and some were to protect her from being disturbed.

(c) 因為亦有先後的關係,所以亦可用副詞(conjunctive adverb) "then 然後" 連接以說明時間次序。
A number of body guards followed the female candidate, (and) then some were to hold her briefcase and some were to protect her from being disturbed .
2018-12-24 6:02 am
Amendment:(1)Here are three packets of cigarettes and the fourth one will arrive next week;(2)A number of body guards followed the female candidate closely so as to help her holding briefcase and protected her from disturbance. Yip

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