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The use of future tense:-
(1)eg:-If here are the first 3 packs of cigarettes, then the fourth packs of cigarettes will arrive next week.
Or:-eg:-The 4th pack arrives----with the 3 previous nos.-----to arrive to complete the total nos.
or:-eg:-Since a 4th pack is forcasted "to arrive" next week, the nos.were completed.cf:-(N+to+v)
(2)Followed by BG by the female candidate (,)-----Participial past phrase usage is used to imply the passive. note also the use of the comma after the past participial phrase(,)
she was seen-------------main clause, passive implied
when "some were holding her briefcase"------adv.cl. of manner, purpose
"and" while "some were protecting her from being disturbed".------adv cl of condition, reason, result, purpose
Or:-eg:-SubN+Vt +N + to infinitive as Obj.=N+to+V----> as obj of the verb---->She got----her BG's two duties served----"to stay" as a candidate.
Or Usage "in order for some to---=>s to v "
eg:-A no. of BG followed the female candidate"in order to--->in order "for some of BG" to hold her brief case;
"for some of BG" to protect her from being disturbed.
Or:-eg:-Since she was to be protected from being disturbed and to be released from being burdensome (adj) by holding her briefcase, the BG were subjected to servicing.
Or:-The use of where=relative adv related to S "some (S) were to(to) hold(V)":-
A no. of BG followed the female candidate, where some were to hold her breifcase;
where some were to protect her from being disturbed.
Or:-to infinitive=A no. of BG "continuous" (to follow) her=she is (to be followed)----passive to-inf form to be, and the "ed" form of the verb follow
Or N toV=to infinitive=is to follow> are to hold, are to protect
The relative adv "when" is used:-
When a no. of BG is to follow her---rel adv cl.
they are to hold---------finite----mc
they are to protect ------finite-----mc.
Or:-The Absolute Construction where an absolute phrase is usually used adverbially:-eg:-
It being Absolute Construction,------adverbial
a no. of BG (follows) a female candidate(cf. president)------mc--"N+ toV"="---is to follow";
holding her briefcase------non-finite cl w/o tense or modality
protecting her from disturbance-------non-finite可有可無;