
2018-12-22 7:57 pm
收到 破產官來信 , 要求我補交文件副本


因為我同配偶己經分開住 , 但因小朋友關係沒正式離婚 ( 法律上我地重係夫妻關係 )

1. 配偶身分證號碼 : 問佢, 佢唔肯比我 , 話私隱問題 , 唔會比我

2. 配偶每月收入 : 都係唔比我 , 話與我無關

3. 配偶每月家庭支出 : 佢會幫小朋友比補習費 , 但費用不詳...佢搵.佢比錢

因為結婚證書同小朋友出世紙都重係我到..佢未囉走 , 我可以交 ( 但交左之後會唔會影響到佢地 ? 因為我未經佢地同意 )

我己經表明係破產處 需要既資料 , 唔係用作其他地方 . 但我配偶話你破產係你個人既事 , 為何需要我既資料 , 話會影響到佢

我應該點同 破產官解釋 ?

回答 (1)

2018-12-23 3:18 am
Because you are legally married (Note - the reality situation does not matter), the Receiver is entitled to obtain any information related to your spouse, children and/or any dependent you may have.

To make it short, the Receiver is entitled because:

1. Your bankruptcy is related to your spouse, children and/or any dependent you may have, as their support can come from your income, impacting your ability of repayment.

2. It is common that assets of the married couple are mixed together. The Receiver can investigate and determine if such has happened (to avoid repayment).

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:19:25
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