Will getting my two year old cat neautered stop his spraying or is it too late?

2018-12-22 2:17 pm

回答 (5)

2018-12-22 2:25 pm
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It will TOTALLY stop him spraying, plus it will make him a much happier and healthier cat.
2018-12-22 2:53 pm
No way to know. Your fault for not neutering him earlier. Even if he doesn't feel the need to spray without hormones he probably will spray the same areas if you have't COMPLETELY removed the smell of urine with an enzyme cleaner.
2018-12-22 11:56 pm
It may reduce how often he sprays.. But its a habit now. Unlikely he will completely stop.
2018-12-22 2:17 pm
2018-12-25 9:35 pm
yes it will
2018-12-22 2:54 pm
yes Has become a habit

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