關於「未成年兒童監護權」一問 未成年兒童為香港出生,但父母非香港人而且在生,嫲嫲為香港永久居民,與兒童同位。 嫲嫲與孫兒聯名申請公司,收到房委會回復:「嫲嫲必須提交香港法庭監護權文件,證明擁有未滿十八歲的孫兒之監護權才可一同申請」 ** 問題:嫲嫲如何申請成為孙兒的監護人?
回答 (5)
This is impossible to be achieved based on the current situation.
Current Hong Kong law does not allow the appointment of a guardian when both parents are alive.
When some entities may be lenient in term of their policies, in the case of the Housing Authority, the Authority will follow the law.
Hence, it can't be done.
找律師去區域法院入紙申請 沒錢的話找法援會看看是否代付 不找律師自行入紙亦可
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