
2018-12-21 1:18 am
1. ) 我唔見左張放盤紙,可以問佢攞返copy 嗎?
2.) 我打算自住,可唔可以取消返張放盤紙?
3.) 如果我自讓,唔經地產經紀做買賣,咁會唔會遺反左「獨家」嘅規則,而被地產A追討佣金嗎?

回答 (2)

2018-12-21 8:47 am
Thank you so much !
2018-12-21 3:38 am
1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. No. The agreement guarantees the real estate agency to receive a commission regardless how the property is sold. As soon as you pay the commission, there is no breach. A breach occurs only when you don't pay the commission.

Please note - even you are allowed to cancel the agreement, you should exercise this option in good faith only. If you cancel the agreement in attempt to bypass commission (i.e. selling via other channels), then you are acting in bad faith. The trouble created will be worse than not paying the commission.

收錄日期: 2021-04-30 22:18:52
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