I'm a big Maple Leafs, Blue Jays, Raptors fan live in California now but want to move to Toronto because of it, Is it a good idea?

2018-12-19 11:07 pm
my thoughts if I move to Toronto can go to more home games than always seeing them play in LA or United States, have been to Toronto home games for visit but if I move there , can go to more

回答 (5)

2018-12-19 11:38 pm
It's very difficult to emigrate to Canada. Check the requirements on the government website. You have to have a skill they need to get a work visa.
Why are Americans always surprised that they can't just move wherever they want? And then they want to rant about Mexican workers who come to the U.S.
2018-12-19 11:32 pm
I doubt that Immigration will consider wanting to watch sporting events a valid reason for residency. Unless, of course, you happen to own one of those teams.
2018-12-20 4:57 am
It is possible.
Many from the USA move to a place in Canada. You might want a place just outside the City of Toronto to save a lot of money. so you can see more games.
Just answer the simple implied question in the visa application.

WHY does Canada NEED or WANT you.to move in. They already have lots of team fans.

About 10% of applicants from the USA get a YES in their application. Your objective is to have a better application than 90% of the others. Just like applying for a job. You need something more than just the minimum requirements.


2019-01-26 5:35 pm
Hell yeah, go for it. It's not like you're doing it just for one sports team or anything, because that would be just silly. But three? That's definitely a solid reason to move to another country.
2019-01-09 9:52 am
Have you investigated the regulations for immigration to Canada?
2018-12-19 11:15 pm
How can we say if it is worth the expense and hassle?

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