
2018-12-18 7:22 pm
挫折和轉折 frustrated and transitions
At the age of 30, he was fired by Apple's board of directors for power struggles.
Falling into the bottom of his life, he felt he had let everyone down.

But he did not give up. Instead, he recovered and continued to pursue what he love. Within a few years, he founded NeXT company and Pixar company.
when apple, which faced difficulties in operation, them bought NeXT and let him as interim CEO.

Jabos insists on doing what he loves most, no matter in the height of his life or in the lowest valley. He believes that people can change the world with the enthusiasm, crazy for the dream , that's why I admire him

Now, we always have no way to do things, or drift with the tide. We should think more, keep warm and curious , and strive to pursue what we love.

回答 (3)

2018-12-19 6:35 pm

People nowadays are often clueless about how to do things, tending to follow (the majority) others aimlessly without their own views. However, we should do our thinking in multiple angles, keep up our passions and curiosity about things, and strive to pursue our own interests..
2018-12-19 7:43 am
----------Frustration and changing Transition----------
At the age of 30,he was fired by Apple's Board of Directors for power struggles and fell into "a low ebb away" in his life, feeling that he had let everyone "disappointed."

Instead of giving up, he "rallied after defeat" to "recover with new afforts" to "continue to pursue" what he loved. Within a few years, he "founded" NeXT and Pixar companies. "A twist in 1996" when Apple faced difficulties ,bought NeXT, and"had retrieved" him again as interim CEO.

Whether at the height or trough of his "career life", Jobs "had insisted" on doing what he loved most. He believed that people can change the world with "the enthusiasm", "the wild excitment", "the craziness" for their dreams, which were the reasons why I "admire" him.

Nowadays we often "have not a clue" about how to do things, "or" tending to follow others "wandering aimlessly". However, we should think in "multiple angles", "keeping our spirits and curiosity", "striving to pursue " our "much" interests.
2018-12-20 12:28 pm
Topic of Steven Jobs' experience and accomplishment
At the age of 30, he was fired by Apple's board of directors for power struggles and that.let him falling into the bottom of his life;then he felt let everyone disappointed. But he did not give up and Instead, he recovered and continued to pursue what he loved. Within a few years, he founded both of NeXT and Pixar companies. And in 1996 when apple, which faced difficulties in operation,and bought NeXT company and let him as interim CEO. Jobs insisted on doing what he loved most, no matter what happened. He believed that people could change the world with enthusiasm and crazy for the dream, that's why I admire him. Now, we always don't know how to do things, or without our own opinions. We should think more, keeping up our spirits to pursue what we love. Yip.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 18:10:41
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