Any risk of wearing used clothes?

2018-12-18 2:58 pm
I bought a "new" clothes on ebay but it looks like used or returned by someone, definitely not new, I really like this clothes so I don't want to bother shipping it back.

It's quite tight to skin, is there any health risk if it's worn by someone else? Could used clothes deliver any bacteria or disease?

回答 (8)

2018-12-20 7:42 am
wash them or dry clean them. read the labels.
2018-12-18 8:26 pm
Um they are usually washed before they sell them again so NO.
2018-12-18 3:28 pm
There's a risk sure but if you wash and clean them thoroughly, should be ok.
2018-12-18 3:05 pm
I've had this happen with electronic devices such as mobile phone so I know what you're going through so I would recommend to go to the ebay resolution centre to return the item for a refund though, if you didn't pay that much for the clothing item then it might not be worth it to bother as I'm pretty sure the buyer has to pay the returned cargo freight.
Alternativelyyou could just keep the item and wear the garment . Another option you have is to sell the apparel or perhaps simply seriously giving the clothing products to charity

----- also noticed and agree with your response
2018-12-18 3:02 pm
wash them or dry clean them. read the labels.
2018-12-19 5:18 pm
Of course not. Just wash them...
2018-12-18 4:22 pm
Wash or dry clean them.
2018-12-18 9:19 pm
Do you ever try on clothing in a store? Do you have any idea how many people have had them on before you, possibly sweating, sneezing, or sick? Just wash the clothing and move on, Snowflake.
2018-12-18 4:24 pm
Yes, bed bugs. If it wasn't as described, you should raise a complaint with the seller, then if thats not resolved, raise a complaint with ebay.

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