
2018-12-17 4:49 pm

回答 (2)

2018-12-19 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
1-2. Irrelevant.

a. It is not a lawyer's (or the law firm) job to enforce immigration law. Instead, because of the privilege between a lawyer and his/her clients, the lawyer may not be allowed to report the immigration issue.

b. Even the person has entered Hong Kong illegally, the illegal entering does not affect this person's legal right in any capacity. In other word, the legal document prepared will still have its legal authority unless the document itself is defective or otherwise.

Nevertheless, because Mainland residents must obtain approval from the Ministry of Public Security before coming to Hong Kong (with a few exceptions), the approval by the Ministry (or any other proof for the exceptions) can be a bona fide evidence for legitimate entering of Hong Kong.
2018-12-17 7:27 pm


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