I've been dizzy for 23 days straight with no relief?

2018-12-17 6:08 am
Okay, so this kind of a long story. On black friday, I came down with a cold, which usually make me dizzy. On that same day I also hit the top of my head really hard. I went to the hospital and they said there's no signs of brain bleeding or anything like that and diagnosed it as a "mini concussion" and that symptoms should disappear soon. It's been 23 days and I still feel dizzy and it gets worse every single day. I can't do any of my school work because of how bad it gets. My head feels heavy and it gets worse when I get up and walk, I even fell on the ground a few days ago because of how unbalanced I was. I've went to multiple doctors, had blood drawn (which was normal), everything, and they send me home but I still feel dizzy. I just want to feel normal again but it feels like no one's helping me.

回答 (4)

2018-12-17 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Go back to the doctor, tell them what you just told us, INSIST on a referral to a specialist.
2018-12-19 1:18 pm
That could be caused by the crystals in the inner ear being knocked out of position. Look up Elpley's manoeuvre online.
2018-12-17 6:42 am
Why would a Doctor draw blood for a head injury? I do find you Americans strange.
here in the UK you would have had an MRI of your head.
There are medications for dizziness , I suppose your Docs have never heard of them.
2018-12-17 11:22 am
What has your doctor said is the problem?
2018-12-17 6:09 am
ear infection

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:14:36
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