Farewell! I hope we meet in New York next time. 再見!希望下次能在紐約相見 這是奇摩英文字典的句子 我想問,為什麼不是 Farewell! I hope we'll meet in New York next time. 謝謝?

2018-12-16 10:52 pm

回答 (3)

2018-12-17 8:31 am
The future time, events coming after the present tense must always be "farewell, hope, meet etc" and hence no need for we will=being redundant caused by too much use of the future time+tense.
2018-12-17 4:34 pm

I hope we will meet in NY next time.

I hope we meet in NY next time.
說的人除了省去一個字之外,其實很多時這樣說人本身是"住在當地的",含意是作為東道主或歡迎對方再來,便會以這當作是"現在時態"必定或永遠成立的句法來說出。假如他本身並非那地方的人或句意是I hope we see each other soon.這種"必成"的用詞亦是他的"誠意"的意思。

I hope we can meet in New York next time.
但他的意思卻是比will meet更不確定,而是提出we can(我們可以)卻其實是反問你的意願"can you meet in NY next time?",是一種proposition提議的說法。用於其他事件或情況亦同樣的含意:
I hope we can win this game this time.是表達個人認為不太可能,但說出來卻是我希望能夠成功的意思。
2018-12-17 3:54 pm
I hope we meet in New York next time. (Okay)
I hope we will meet in New York next time. (Okay)
I hope we can meet in New York next time. (Okay)

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