Why are some people so rude?

2018-12-15 8:01 am
I asked for advice on whether i should continue having unprotected sex- completely accepting and even inviting the possibility of pregnancy and having a child, because ive wanted that for a few years now- with my long term, financially stable, faithful, clean and std-free, fiance, as a 22 year old (an adult, mind you) going back to university this winter, after having left school to enlist in the military reserves. What kind of answers do i get? People telling me im a loser who cant live without sex, or that im just doing it for a stupid thrill and being irresponsible for "playing with somebody's potential life. Like im some stupid teenager getting off on the risk or something. I got genuine answers too, but so, so many hateful rude ones. WHY???

回答 (4)

2018-12-15 8:06 am
Some people are rude because it's the internet and they can get away with it. But it's puzzling you'd even ask! Surely you know this.

Also, people sometimes ask questions and don't like the answers, so they decide these answers are "rude". I have a response to your question you would not like at all. It's not immature or a random insult. It's what I think about people who purposely conceive before making that ultimate commitment to their partner. In a word, it's selfish.

EDIT: Thanks for comment! On "selfish", I'd agree with you if kids weren't involved. But there is no greater commitment a couple makes than bringing a child into the world. If they aren't willing to make the commitment to each other, this lessens the odds they stay together. And it's about more than a piece of paper when a child has to grow up with mom and her boyfriend.
2018-12-17 6:41 am
No one needs to be rude about it. But statistics exist for a reason and you can't assume you're that unicorn who's going to break all the accepted sociological norms and live a happy ever after. 1. Kids born out of wedlock suffer higher rates of poverty and don't do as well in school. 2. People who marry before the age of 25 have astronomical divorce rates. 3. Childbirth is the surest way to end an academic career prematurely.

I doubt any rational person is telling you to live without sex. Just continue to use protection until the following criteria is met: Your fiance finishes his degree. You get married. You both have stable jobs and have done a budget to make sure you can afford the awesome expense of a child.

Do these things in the right order and you should be able to live a happy life and give your child all that it needs to have a legitimate shot in the world.
2018-12-16 8:01 am
In one of your previous questions or the on you were referring to here, I see what you mean, and there is no excuse for that kind of reply.
You made one comment though, ("I personally think having kids is a stronger tie than marriage"). That is not always true.
Kids can either make you or break you, life can quickly turn nasty and turn your dreams around and make life very difficult.

You should look at many of the down sides to having children too,
For example: how much patience you have on your own with a baby that cry's constantly and won't let you sleep, how you will cope if your relationship breaks down. you are still quite young, but when you have a child your life is no longer about you, its about the child, and what you may think you want now, may not be what you want when you get it.
Its a huge decision that should not be taken lightly by either of you.
2018-12-15 8:02 am
They are just more important to world peace then you are ...........................................

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