1.父母為退休人士(60-65),住緊公屋. 以綠表申請居屋,若然是一手居屋. 請問他們可否申請按揭?
2.,供款是由我本人去供,但我名下有一間物業. 請問是否有影響?
回答 (2)
1. Unlikely to be approved.
The age of your parents increase the risk of the mortgage problems. Specifically, Hong Kong's current life expectancy is 84.23 years. No bank will approve a 30-year mortgage in this instance.
Unless their retirement income is sufficient, banks usually do not approve any mortgage unless some sort of guarantees are made to the mortgage.
2. Yes and no.
It does not matter if you own a property or not. The problem is if that property is still under an active mortgage. If so, even you might pass the stress test, the bank may impose harsher terms and conditions to protect its interests.
3. Yes and no.
a. A will can always change the outcome.
b. If you have any siblings (brothers/sisters), you will have to share with them.
1.退休人士如未滿65歲有部份銀行會提供樓按借貸,但需要繳付高首期,息率會較一般按揭為高,而供款年期亦會較短; 如年齡超過65歲者,絕大部份銀行就不會考慮了。
收錄日期: 2021-04-11 22:52:55
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