Can a teacher know that I copied a work of someone from an old paper ( not open website) if yes how?
回答 (6)
If all of your previous work was crap and suddenly you're Shakespeare, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. On the other hand, if you are getting good grades for writing, why would you need to copy other work?
Yes. In addition to SumDude's answer it is entirely possible that the teacher knows who the original author is.
The writing (style, word choice, etc) will not match what you normally produce.
She might well guess from the style of expression - it is unlikely that the piece you copy will seem like your normal style.
Yes. She'll be able to tell by your writing vs. the writing you copy.
they have a system which compares every students submitted work with each other. and if they are too similar they will know you copied it.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:09:22
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