Can a teacher know that I copied a work of someone from an old paper ( not open website) if yes how?

2018-12-14 3:36 pm

回答 (6)

2018-12-14 4:19 pm
If all of your previous work was crap and suddenly you're Shakespeare, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. On the other hand, if you are getting good grades for writing, why would you need to copy other work?
2018-12-14 5:47 pm
Yes. In addition to SumDude's answer it is entirely possible that the teacher knows who the original author is.
2018-12-14 4:27 pm
The writing (style, word choice, etc) will not match what you normally produce.
2018-12-19 1:42 am
She might well guess from the style of expression - it is unlikely that the piece you copy will seem like your normal style.
2018-12-18 11:13 am
Yes. She'll be able to tell by your writing vs. the writing you copy.
2018-12-14 3:38 pm
they have a system which compares every students submitted work with each other. and if they are too similar they will know you copied it.

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