Libs, if Trump doesn't hire the best people, then can you name even one of his hired people that is going to prison?

2018-12-13 5:22 am

回答 (34)

2018-12-13 5:25 am
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Papadopoulos, Cohen, with Gates and Manafort soon to follow.
And those are just the ones so far.
2018-12-13 5:25 am
trump *claims* he didn't really know Manafort, he claims Cohen is a bad guy, a liar (yet he worked for trump for over a decade). He LOVED Flynn so face it, trump is balls deep in the same mess.
2018-12-13 5:24 am
Flynn is pleading not to go to prison.
2018-12-13 12:47 pm
If Trump hired the best people, the White House wouldn't be in constant chaos and our country wouldn't be a laughing stock to the rest of the world now. Fortunately for the losers Trump hires (but decidedly unfortunately for the rest of us) sucking at your job isn't a criminal offense.

But there are plenty of people he hired who did commit criminal offenses and are going to jail. Let's see. there's Paul Manafort, MIchael Cohen, George Papadopoulos, Richard Pinedo...hell, I can't NOT think of people Trump has hired who are going to jail.
2018-12-13 2:07 pm
Let's name the ones who are not going to jail: Haley, Kelly & Mattis are probably OK. I think that's about it?
2018-12-13 6:28 am
Cohen, Flynn, and a couple others were Trump staffers. They're going to prison unless they made a plea deal.
2018-12-13 5:23 am
2018-12-13 11:15 pm
Michael D. Cohen.
2018-12-13 12:07 pm
2018-12-13 5:27 am
George Papadopoulos
Rick Gates
Michael Cohen
Paul Manafort

No word on whether Michael Flynn will do time yet....

And then there's all the idiots he hired that haven't done jail time... Omarosa, Guiliani, Scaramucci. Price, Fitzgerald...
2018-12-13 5:20 pm
Tom price violated the stock act. Scott Pruitt should. If tRump resigns or is voted out, Scott Pruitt would be easy to take down.
2018-12-13 5:26 am
Cohen and Manafort. Or were they not "hired"? They were just low-level staffers who "got the coffee"?
2018-12-13 5:25 am
No, they’re pretty much all in danger.
2018-12-13 9:33 pm
Is that really the litmus test of what determines the best people? Whether they ended up in prison or not???

I don’t think any administration in history has seen a high turnover of staff like this one has, and in terms of what is the best and the factors that determine that could be many things depending on what you are looking for!

Trumps idea of what is the best seems to be first and foremost unquestioning blind loyalty, because the second you start to disagree with this guy even from the stand point that you know more about the subject or issue at hand than he ever will, then you are effectively on your way out!

So whether you are the best is less important, even less important is the idea that taking a high ranking position in this administration is a noble way of serving your nation, which might have been true before, but under this clown.....forget it!
2018-12-13 11:10 am
Cohen and many others.
2018-12-13 11:09 am
I am hoping that you are just a troll because it's almost unbelievable that people can be as stupid as this to believe that this president actually hires the best people. It's like a sad cult for stupid people.
2018-12-13 5:25 am
All of them.
2018-12-13 5:26 am
best at what, avoiding prosecution? well, that's sure a good reason to hire someone...they crime better.
2018-12-13 6:32 am
Who isn't? It's a shorter list. Not to mention all the "best people" who have already resigned. Bigly. tRump knows the best words too. Covfefe.
2018-12-14 3:45 am
What are you talking about?

Papadopoulos has already served his sentence.......Cohen just got 3 years. Manafort had his plea deal revoked and is looking at life in prison, and Flynn, .....who shouted "Lock her up " at now whining and begging the judge to NOT lock HIM up, for his crimes.

Newsflash pal.........they're ALL going to prison.
2018-12-13 2:04 pm
2018-12-13 11:09 am
ALL of them, numpty. ALL OF THEM.
2018-12-13 5:42 am
His personal lawyer to sure
Probably Flynn
Hopefully his daughter and son in law
2018-12-14 9:32 am
2018-12-14 6:50 am
Surely the question should be if Trumps lawyer and chief advisor might be going to prison what is wrong with the American constitution that dictates Trump is not sharing a cell with him?
2018-12-14 6:16 am
Why is this question separated into"the best people" and those going to prison? Is that the only qualification for being a good person? No prison time? Oh, and Cohen..3 years...boom
2018-12-15 6:39 am
Michael D. Cohen.
2018-12-14 8:07 am
Libtards are the stupidest people on earth.
2018-12-14 7:36 am
he is heading there himself
2018-12-14 6:18 am
did he hire don jr? he could be the next one off to jail
2018-12-14 3:03 am
It's funny how almost everyone from Trump's original cabinet has been fired or resigned in lieu of the Russia investigation. They were all following the footsteps of Omarosa Manigault when she was on The Apprentice
2018-12-13 8:07 pm
Yeah lets point out Obama's people. HOLDER RICE LYNCH YATES LERNER CLINTON.ETC. All bad people. But the media was their XXXXboy. THANKS MIKA.
2018-12-13 6:32 am
Eric Frein is already in prison
2018-12-13 7:14 pm
Libs? What kind of Conservative doesn't keep track of RINO retards like Trump's criminal cohorts?

Thus far, Alex van der Zwaan, Richard Pinedo, George Papadapolous & Michael Cohen have been found guilty and sentenced for their crimes.

You ought to know those names for yourself.
Quit shaming Conservatism & smarten up.

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