Will California go under water due to climate?

2018-12-13 2:48 am
Will the world end anytime soon due to climate change deniers

Like I read articles like drilling under the ocean

Will climate change global warming get worse

Due to coal



The world end anytime soon due to climate change

Will ocean drain

Will climate change get worse

Because I read articles about climate change deniers will drill under the ocean

回答 (9)

2018-12-13 3:00 am
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2018-12-13 4:28 am
Another false flag question from a climate change denier masking himself as "Anonymous".
2018-12-13 2:50 am
Florida will be under water first.

Global warming doesn't mean that the world is going to end in some giant cataclysmic event, it's just going to gradually get worse and worse. But definitely places like Florida and low lying islands are going to suffer the effects before California is.
2018-12-13 11:21 am

Most of California is more than 70 metres above sea level.

Even to flood Death Valley would require the highest elevation of land between the coast and Death Valley is less than 70 metres above sea level.
2018-12-13 2:50 am
This is the truth.
2018-12-13 3:04 am
California will fall into the ocean because you read articles that climate change deniers will drill in the ocean and drain it? That is about as sensible as tilting islands I suppose.
2018-12-16 5:07 pm
No. It was recently published that ALL the climate change models used over the last 40 years have been wrong due to a mathematical error. No one will be under water. In fact you don't even need a scientist to tell you this. All you have to do is look at the banks. Do you honestly believe banks would be giving ANYONE a mortgage or loans for property in these so called flood zones if there was a chance flooding would happen? The answer is a big fat no.
2018-12-15 5:32 am
California has mountains it is not going under water.
2018-12-13 11:47 pm
Will California go under water due to climate?
No, not due to climate....IF California goes under water it will be due to the "Ring of Fire" consequences along with the tectonic plates shifting on the Oregon and Canadian coasts along with the St Andres fault causing massive earth quakes. This is not about climate, it is about the natural movements of the earth's tectonic plates.

Will the world end anytime soon due to climate change deniers
No, climate change deniers are not going to be the cause of the world to end.

Like I read articles like drilling under the ocean
And.....the rest of that thought?????????????????

Will climate change global warming get worse
Yes, eventually it will. Why? Because for two billion years, the earth has been changing as continents were formed from one land mass. That occurred over millions of years due to the tectonic plate movements that created the countries we know today. Our earth has experienced climate patters of freezing and warming several times over....even when humans did not live here, so they are not to blame.

Due to coal
No, California will not go under water due to coal.

No, California will not go under water due to mining.

The world end anytime soon due to climate change.
No, not in your lifetime or mine.

Will ocean drain
With tectonic plate movement, the earth will shift and yes, water will be displaced, but not drained from the earth. The deserts used to be oceans that were displaced due to earth's tectonic plate movement.

Will climate change get worse
The climate will change, yes. Scientists have deep earth core samples that have been studied and show that the earth has a pattern of freezing and warming, so we have no reason to believe it will not happen again. But, none of us will witness any drastic changes because those of us alive today will all be dead by then.

Because I read articles about climate change deniers will drill under the ocean
Again, deniers are not responsible for climate change.
You must realize something here:
Deniers are people who do not believe that humans are responsible for drastic climate changes. Not to say that they do not believe the earth has natural climate changes.
2018-12-13 7:34 am
it will get worse and the world will end because there is a big planet headed our way that we will cause the magnetic poles to reverse. we're doomed.

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