
2018-12-09 6:03 pm

回答 (6)

2018-12-10 12:17 am
pump gas 就醬簡單


1. 今早我在加油的時候撿到1元.
I found a buck when I was pumping gas this morning.

2. 我的車子 加油 不能加滿
please do not top off my car when you pump gas.
2018-12-09 9:00 pm
Fill with fuel.加油,
若加滿油可用Fill it up.
2018-12-09 10:54 pm
Drive to petrol refill !!!
2018-12-10 11:32 am
I'm driving my car to the filling station to fill up petrol or gas.我正在駕駛車輛前往電油站加油; I pulled up my car at the filling station to fill up the tank.我將車輛停泊在電油站在裝滿油箱. Yip
2018-12-09 6:40 pm
fill the gas tank
2018-12-10 9:29 am
開車的加油指加快?:speed up, step on it (踩油門)

上面人人都答了"入氣油"的: fill up 另未有人答 go to the pump (把車駛去油站)

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