Is it worth to isolate or sacrifice yourself to become successful? Some people do this; but what if you don't make it?

2018-12-07 2:57 am

回答 (5)

2018-12-07 3:54 am
At least you can be satisfied that you did your best. Additionally, you have learned what to avoid, next time. Then it's time to start again!!!
2018-12-07 10:30 am
There's a psychologist I think highly of, Emma Seppala. Her study of therapy for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans at Stanford is the main reason why the Veterans Administration recommends breathing therapy for vets with PTSD.

Her book The Happiness Track is much like a modern version of Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. Like Carnegie, she based her book on extensive study of successful people - but with the benefit of modern psychology from an expert.

One of her book's most important ideas is that creativity is greatly valued in the business world and that the creative process requires a measure of low stress. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Keep your nose to the grindstone long enough and you'll be dull, not worth much.

Carnegie showed in his classic How to Win Friends and Influence People that social skills are highly valued in business. You can do a quick Google search and it will confirm that businesses think emotional intelligence is very important . Likewise, Dr. Seppala says that kind, considerate people have an edge.

Breathing therapy is a very interesting subject. It's used for panic disorder, phobias, and other problems. I have details about Dr Seppala's work and the work of psychiatrists Brown and Gerbarg, who have published 6 papers on breathing and mental health, in my recent answers.
2018-12-07 3:56 am
No,I never had the idea at all.
There can mess themselves up and never get it back.
It's better just to live as you want to.
2018-12-07 3:38 am
don['t put all yoru eggs into one basket.
almost 40 years old here what you want to do at 20 will not match your 40 year old self unlses you have an extream passion for it. most odn't have that passion so just follow like the rest of us do with society
2018-12-07 3:00 am
I’ve never had to male that choice. While not perfect, we’ve done just fine. @60 I consider myself between jobs, not retired, or working. I could do retail, but don’t want to work retail. No nights, weekends, or holidays, but I don’t consider it a sacrifice.

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