
2018-12-06 10:44 am
原句:It is our parents on whom we depend when we are in trouble.

(1)It is our parents when we are in trouble. (2)we depend on our parents.
或是這樣(1)It is our parents.
(2)We depend on our parents when we are in trouble.


回答 (6)

2018-12-06 11:19 am
(1)We are in trouble.
(2)We depend on our parents.
2018-12-09 4:47 am
We depend on our parents when we are in trouble. (用中文原意翻,這個比較精簡;問題是如果在美國,我們會很confuse 父母和你的麻煩有什麼關係,所以我會說My parents will rescue me out of troubles if I’m in one. 或直接說my parents will bail me out if I am in trouble)
2018-12-07 5:41 pm
It is our parents on whom we depend when we are in trouble.
= It is our parents we depend on when we are in trouble. (that is omitted)

This is a cleft sentence to place focus on the noun phrase "our parents".
Cleft sentence structure: It + linking verb + noun phrase + cleft clause (normally, a relative clause)

The original sentence without focus should be:
We depend on our parents when we are in trouble. (There is only one sentence, not two!)

** It is a wrong concept that there are originally two sentences combining into your posted sentence.
2018-12-06 1:02 pm
it is-they are our parents.
2018-12-06 11:35 am
(When) we are in trouble, we depends on our parents.

2018-12-06 11:18 am
Amendment: As far as trouble being concerned, we have to depend on our parents' advice. Yip

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